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Sherlock S01E00 Unaired Pilot 720p BRRip284: The Mystery of the Missing Pilot - Sherlock's First Adv


Kidder's Patent Gas Regulator.Producing a uniform Light,And ctrcclliiK a SiuIiir of 35 percent.NO U A 3 C0X3U.MEU WHO DE'SlllE-' Asteady, agrcoable atid economical light shouldbo without this valuable- Invention, which nt oncedocs assay with nil personal attention to gas lights,and secures Invariably the utmost economy in thoconsumption of gas.It Is In successful operation In the largest Hotelsand Factories of tho United Mates, and In thousandsof prlrato residences, o cry where thoroughly icr.forming its work. It has been fully tested by thomost eminent Mas Engineers of the I'ulon, and theCompany has yet to hear of tho first Instance inwhich It has failed to bo approved.UXGhXUEHV TESTIMONY.AIaxiuttax Uas Works;, Oct. 23, 1852.Dear Sir t L'ncloscd I send you a certificate setting forth as briefly as I can tho advantages of Dr.Kidder's adinliable invention. I do not think itnecessary to tnontton any experiments I may batotnado ; Drs, Kllett, Toirey and Oihbs have a bookfull to be produced when needed, i will add here,however, to bo used when you dcslro It, the resultof an experiment made at these Works, ami whichcan bo repeated whcneer desired. With the streetprcssuro of four and a half Inches of water,and oneburner near tho governor, tho prcssuro of tho burnergauge was seventenths. The governor remaininguntouched, the number of lights was increased tofilty.four extending over a surfaco of several hundred feet, and the street prcssuro was reduced totwo Inches, and the prcssuro gaugo at the governor,as before, seven-tenths.Vours, 4c., CIIAS. EOO.ME.Masuatias Gas Wonits.Oct. 23, 1652.The Qas Regulator of Dr. Kidder is, In my opln.Ion, the most valuable Instrument for regulating theflow of gas to the burners that I havo ever seen.It Is correct In principle, and will accomplish admirably the objects for which It was designed. It willinsure great steadiness In the light", and as thepressure at the metre Is by this Instrument, reducedconsiderably below that on the street mains, It willenable the consumer to gain an equal amount oflight at a smaller expenditure of gas ; for tho lesstoe pressure under which the gas is consumed, thogreater is the amount of light obtained.CIIAS. UOO.ME, EngineerManhattan Gas Light Company.Kicitxoxc, August 13, 1SS3.My engagements prevented me lrom experimenting with your Regulator before this week. I hadIt put up and so arranged that I could show thepressure of the works on tho burners, which varyfrom 2 to 2 inches. I made some weights of leadand weighed it so I brought the ptcssuio to G-10, thepressure on the street mains 21 inches, and with G ofyour 4 feet burners under tho street pressuie, thecooks turned off so that they would not perceptiblyblow, X consumed 12 cubic feet in 23 minutes. 1then put the Regulator on and opened the cocks full,same number of burners, burning the same time, Iconsumed 9 cubic feet, showing a saving of 25 percent. The experiment to me was lery satisfactory ;tho lights burned very stoadily. I could not pelceive any difference in the pressure or fiainc whetherone or six of tho lights wcro burning, l'roin whatI have seen, 1 would havo no hesitation in recommending its use.Rospectfully yours,C. CAMPBELL, Supt. of City Gas Works.non;i.s.The value of the Machine to Hotels, may belearned from tho following :Qadsbt's Hotxl, Wasuinoios, D. C, Oct 31, 1S53.I have been using Kidder's Regulator in my Hotelfor the last six weeks, and during that time I amconfident I have saved In money 23 per cent, overthe amount paid for the same timo last year, and believe my light is quite as good as before using it,and do feel confident that it is a decided saving tothe consumer of gas. W. OADaBY.Asiori Hocse, X'oy. 1, ls5J.We havo had Dr. Walter Kidder's lias Regulatorid use at tho Astor House, for soma! months past.Wo have thrco Regulators attached to us many metres, (one on each,) and they supply nbout vnbarners. Tho Regulators operate finely j they perfectly regulate tho burning of gas, aud'with us gooda light, savu us a handsome per ventage upon ourbills of consumption, say about fifteen dollars aweek, which is equal to twenty. fho per cent, on ourgas bills. We consequently feel very great confidence in the success of tho Regulator.COI.E.iIA.. .1 STL""rniVA rn co. s c ri:im.A IIt of the paities using tl.o Regulator will bfound in the l'auiphkt ol tho Xl.w oi:K (It Runl la tor Comi'am- at 202 Broudway.f.fifs and 7Wtj nheri the Regulator is in Vse.I'ortland, .Me. X'uiibur port. MilsConcord, .V. II. l,ue II, doRoston, Mum. lledford, doNew York City. Brookl-n, X. Y.Williamsburgh.X, Y. Syracuse, doRochester, do E'lmlra, dolli. do Bullalo, doDaltiinore, Jfd. Alexandria, Va,Washington, D. C. Richmond, diChicago, III. Louisville, Ky.Jamaica Plains, Mas. Providence, 11. I.Salem, Mass. Newport, doTroy, X. Y. New Haven, Ct.Poughkcepsie, do Cohocs, X, y.New Brunswick, X. J. Oswego, dollobokeu, do Patterson, X. J.Saiannah, Ga. Camden, doAugusta, do New Oi leans, La.St. Louis, Mo. Cb-vehnd, Ohio.Springfield, Mass. Lawrence, Mass.Lynn i do Albany, N. Y.Auburn, N. Y. Jersey City, N. J.Newark, N. J. Charleston, S. C.Mobile, Ala. Detroit, Jllch.New London, Ct. Oemva, N. Y.Watwbury, do Philadelphia, pi.Hartford, do Eastc.n, doMiddlttown, do Cincinnati), Ohio.PERSONAL EXAMINATION.Engineers and all others com.rcted with Ga; Cimpanics are invited to visit the experimental Room ofthe Company, and fully satisfy themselves of thelalue of the Regulator.Tin: savim: .maw:.Varies with tho pressuie of the gas in the streetmains. Tv.ity.f,vo per cent, is acknowledged binders of the Regulator, and places are daily reportedto the Company, and tho gas bills shown, where 30,33 and even 4U per cent, has been saved. The Circular of the Company contains a list uf referenacsso widely known, and of such weight in the comniunity, that no one who desires to uso the Regulator,can be at fault, when seeking a friend's advice as toIts merits.Circulars sent by mall when disircd. All ordersfor Regulators, by penny post or mail, punctuallyattended to. 'Y3 Call aud examine fur yourselves at the Officeof the Xew Yons Gas Rcot'LAioii CovipAsr, 202Broadwat. S. 1. CLARK, Secretary.R. BRONSON, sole agent for Burlington, whoprepared to furnish and pu on Regulators to orderGRATIS!Just PublnhedA .Veto Discovery in Medicine.'t FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL-V treatment, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea,or Local Weakness, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits,Lassitude, Weakness of tho Limbs ond the Rack,Indisposition and Incapacity fr .-tudy and Labor.Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Sell.Distrust, Dininess, Head-Ache, Involuntary Discharges, Pains in the side, Atu-ction of tho Eyes,Pimples on the Face, Sexual and other Infirmities inman.l"rora thcsFrench of Dr. B. Dr Lavr.T iThe important fact that these alarmiiigconiplalntemay easily b removed wunori xr.ninvE, is, in thissmall tract, clearly demonstrated, and the entirelynew and highly successful treatment, as adopted bythe author, fully explained, by means of whlcierery one is enabled 10 curt hmse(f pfcrtiy, and nthe tail po.i6! co.l, avoiding, thereby, all the ad.vertised nostrum of the day.Sent, to any address, grati and po-t frre, in aS'ale.1 envelop, by remitting post paid) two p, .tai;e staint,. to Dr. 11. Dr. Laser, or lux Il.r adway Post Oflke, New YoikDec. 10. 1853. dlwlyscfy WILBOE'S COMPOUND OFHPTJUE COD L1VETOIL AND LIME.33:rpiIIS VALUABLE MEDICINE, WHICH HASL re-eived the sanction of tho mcdiral faeulty, byw ii it Is regularly prescribed, and which has beent,.s. d successfully by thou-ands of invalids, is onooft 1 most romarkablo preparations ever offered toDie public, for the cure ofI iiiisiimptloii, t-rrnfuln, fnuchs, C odk.Anhinii, Itronel.iti., Opining oflllooil, nnil nil Comiiliilnts ofthe Lungs,Puro Cod Liver Oil has long been acknowledgedt be the most efficacious article for the cure of Cont rnptiun and kindred diseases, yt discovcred.wbllei n chemical prooertles of tho PHOSPHATE OFLI db aro also well known In medicine as being'iarly healing. In sases where ulceration hast eu place on the lungs, thlsartlolehasboon found,b" tie most careful tests, to supply the very Ingre.dients neeossarv for tho formation of oolls, and thocomplete healing of this delicate part of the humansyeUm,Tbis preparation of tho pure Cod Liver Oil andLima robs the oil of its very nauseating Uste, whichreaders It so repulsive, particularly to Invalids. Thet lorough Incorporation of the Phosphate of Limewith the Oil has only been accomplished by thea loptlon of the most perfect rules of chemistry, anda medicine has thereby been produced which is ofiucslimable value in a climate like our own.A lung array of certificates mi?ht be given hereto prove the efficacious character of this medicine,but It is not deemed necessary. The fact that fromtho very first introduction of the Cod User Oil andLime beforo the i.ubllc, It has been graduallya b.pto 1 by the medical faculty, is sufficient proof ofit. unquestioned excellence,AI.EX'R B. WILIiOR,Chemist, 15G Court St., Roston.fir salo In Burlington, by T, A. Pr.tx and tiro.U i-n, aud Druggists generally.Ur-h 17,1851. BCra,,Tor Salt-.,( larijn nndcoiiiinoilious. Duelling Ioiikc.1 vvitlia Oardenand Kruil Orolianl jdi. iniiig thewh'delotcoiiiaiuineone ncreol land J'hlsHouselaiiolfurpabsedbyanylnihr Village in heami lloraiioii terns; situated in ihe henil i ICmiere tfian I hi the substantia inalrria ol lii( h II la hiiiltllejma nadeeaiy, Applv an ilienreiniri i i,n . ... PATTU, itfll iS.M.PETTKNIilLLiCO's ADVERTISING AflKKCY111 Nassau St N York, &. Ill Stale Hi. Boston.Aollce I2x(i'noriliiiii.r.v !'BIO ALL WHOM IT .MAY CONCERN KNOWi. yo I That tho Mexica Lt.iiMr.ststill continues lit Its triumphant career, " conquering and to conquer" nil the cronlc of Bum.matisvi, or tlioso of a'recent, ncuto and inflamilorycharacter. It never falls In curing Hums, llrulsosor Sprains, For any Soro, Swelling, Eiuptlon orPain, It is a perfect specific. If yon don't bellcvoIt, try I For Horses and other animals, it has noequal In curing, Sprains, Soro Racks, Spavin,Scratches, or any other cause of Lameness. It willsoften tho hoofs lubricate tho joints and heal thotlcsh. O. W. WEST11ROOK,(Successor to A. 0. Bragg A Co.,)Originator and solo proprietor. Principal Offices301 Broadway, New York, and St. Louis, MissouriFor solo by all dealers In Medicines.To Hie Mumi-hI World.13IAX0 TORTES, BEXXETT ACO.,301 Broadway, Xew York, arc manufacturing and haveconstantly on hand an extensive assortment of Pianos, embracing every variety of stylo ami sire,from 6 to 7J Octaves, from 10') to 1,(100 ench.Wo have testimonials from the first Pianists In thecountry of tho superior Rrllllancy, Breadth andSweetness of tone throughout the tntiio register ofour Pianos, while a delicate elasticity of touch hasbeen pre-eminently secured, all our Instruments arofully warranted to giro satisfaction. Buyers whounderstand their own interests will call beforo purchasing elsewhere. BEXXETT A CO.,ly 3C1 Broadway, Xew York.LOOKINO (!l,SS AND PICTURE THAMEMANUrACTI'Ur.ll.M . P . W (I I T la OUK,101 CAXAL street., Xew York. Gliding in all Itsbranches.Tho Ite-sl ll.-iir DyeBALLARD'S Xew and Improved Edition Is thecheapest and best article now offered to thepublic. It will color the llalr any shade In twentyminutes. Pnncwnl Ofirr, 333 Vroadway,LEW YORK. lyli;iii Forfc.iXT J. A T. IIAIXKS, IK. 3d Avenue, Xew York.Dealers euiilicd un libcial terms, lyClioim Piano Forlc HouseC 1 JIILIi, 51 Great Jonci .Street, near How' cry, Xew York, I'innos Tuneil nm.1 KcpalieJ.iySPIRITI'Al, TELEGRAPH, WEEKLY S2 PERYear, specimen gtatl.,nnd all Hpttltual Rooks,for salo by P UU'RIDGE A BR1TAIX, 3U0 Broadway, New Yor't. lyMATCHES, superior article, round nnd squarosplints In li'iitnd wood and Square Paper liixts,put up in shipping order, and sold nt the lowestprices, by CIIAS. PARTRIDGE .1 CO., 125 MoidcnLane Xew Y'ork. lyKiiiNlcy tV ID.-ii'liii,wiioLESAi.r. nrtrnoisTsi,62 Vtssfl slrrtl, nrar Grtrnmchstrtrt, Am York,ORDERS personally or by letter equally regardedin prices, qualities, dispatch, Ac. ly1'iano Forte.441 Broadway ----- AVw York.fllHE Largest nnd Best Assortment of firEt classJ Piano Fortes In New York, both with and without tho -Eollan Attachment, may be found in 411Broadwny. All persons wishing a good Instrumentat a low prico will bo suro to find one ntLINCOLN A THOMPSON'S,ly 411 Broadway, New York.s i-: w i ;v (i ma cm x l s .GROVMIl, litKEH . TO.rit HIS MACHINE Is now justly the most approved,X and no controversy exists between It and anyother pitout Otlices, 405 Broadway, New York;lln vmarket Squaro, Boston j and 12' South 1th St.,p.iiln lelphln. IyAYER'S PILLS,A xew and sinpularly successful remedy for thcure orall Bilious diseases Costivencss, Indi-Sestion, Jaundice, Dropsv, ItheumatUm, Fevers,out, Humors, Xervoumess, Irritability, Inflammations, Headarhe, Tiiins in the Ureast, Side. Bick,and Limbs, Tcmnle Complaints, Ac, c. Indeed,very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medicine U not more or less required, and much sickness and suflerinfT, might te prevented, if a harmless but efli'ctudl Cathartic were more Iroelv used.o person can feel well while a costive habit ofbody prevails ; besides U boon generates serious andoften fatal disease, which might hac been avoidedby tho timely and judicious use of a pood purgAth e.This i alike true of Cold, Feverish sjmptoms, andBilious derangements. They all tend to beeome orproduce the deep seated and formidable distemperswhich load the hearses all otcr the land. Hence areliable family physic U of tho first importance tothe public health, and this IMl has been pf-rfectedwith consummate skill to mot tint demand. Anextensile trial of its virtues by 1'hjsicuns, Profes.ors, and I'atient, has shown results surpassingany thing hitherto known of any medicine. Curesha e been clfectcd be) ond belief, w ere they not substantiatrd by persons of such exalted position andcharacter as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.Among the eminent gentlemen to whom we areallowed to refer for these facts, areProf. Valentine Mott, the distinguished Surgeon of Xew York City.Doct. A. A. Haves, Practical Chemist of thePort of Boston, and Geologist for the State of Massachusetts Iha L. MoonE, M D., an eminent Surgeon andThj aician, of the City of Lowell, who has long usedthem in lu extensie practice.II. C. SofTiiwicK, Esq., one of the first merchants in New- York Citv.C. A. Davis, M. D., Sup't and Surgeon of thUnited Stites Murine, nt CheUea, Mass.Did space permit, we could gite m.inv hundreduch names, from all parts where the Pills havebeen used, but evidence even more convincing thanthe certificates of these eminent public men ishow-n in their effects upon trial.These Pills, the result of long investigation andstudy, are offered to the public as the best ondmost complete which the present state of medicalscience can afford. They are compounded not ofthe drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtueonly of Vegetable remedies, extracted bv chemicalfirocess in a state of purity, and combined togethera such a manner ah to insure the best results. 1 hiseyttcm uf composition for medicines hasbcenfoundin the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce amore efficient remedy than had hitherto been obtained bv any process. The reason is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acrimonious and injurious qualities, by this each individual virtue only that is desired for the curativeeffect is present. All the inert nnd obnoxious qualities of each substance emplo) ed nre left behind, thecurative virtues only being retained. Hpnce it isself-evident the effects should prove as they haveproved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer,more powerful antidote to disease than any othermedicine known to the world.As it is frequently eipedient that my medicinehould be taken under the counsel of uu attendingPh)sician, and as lie eoidd not properly judge of aremedy wfthout knowing iw composition, I haeuppned the accurate rormulx by which both and Fills nre made to the whole body ofPractitioners in the United States and Iiiitith American Provinces. If howctcr there should be anyone who has not received them, they will bepromptly forwarded by mail to his addrrss.Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, howfew would be taken if their composition was known t'I heir lite conUti in their instery. I hac nomyteiiesIhe composition of my preparations is laid opento all men, and all who arc competent to judge onlie 'ubjeit freely acknowledge their conuilionsof their intrinsic merits.' IheCherr) Pectoral waspronounced by wientific men to be a wonderfulmedicine before its effects were known. Many emuer.t Physicians haa detlarrd the same thing ofmy Pills, and even more confidently, and aro willing to certify that their anticipations were morethan realized by their efUcts upon trial.They operate by their powerful infWnce on theinternal usctra to purify ihe blond and stimulate itinto healthy action remove the obstrui tions ofthe stomach, bowels, Iher, and other organs of thebody, restoring their irregular action to health, andby correcting, wherct ex they exibt, ouch dtiangement as are tho first origin of dittcnue.Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take,and being purely vegetable, no harm ran arise fromtheir use in any quantity,For minute directions, see the wrapper on thobox,rCKFAKEII IIYJAMi'JS C. AVER,Practical iinil Ainilsllriil Clit'iulM,LOW1SLI., MARS.Ttlu tl OilU p?r Pcx. rive Boies (or SLDDI, n UTT. A, PKCK, A.C. BI'EAH, GEO W ALLENBurlington ; BIMONDd A NKIMMIAM, tShcl.burnet M. HALL, Hlneshurgh j E. AM'AAN'UElt,Charlottes B. D, SIMONDS i CO., Wllllston j II.It. HODdK?, Richmond i JO.VATUA.V MEUIIILL,Wlnooskl.Februarj 10, 1351 3mosri UVO 5CVE.V OCTAVE 1'IA.VO EOItTIS, KI'.OMJ the celcbrattd .Maniifaclory of Woodisard AHrovrn J one, a heatltifu! Camd C..s,just leeeivtil,and now to he seen at Ill'tiT'S ,iislg htoie.UurliiiliMi, .May 4. ddvilfI'riiil. .1 c.I BOX1M M. It. IIAIMINrf.1 WU .11) quarter do. do10 boxes Lemons.100 bus, Chestnuts, and mils of all kinds:l'lekles, Catsups, Preserve, J'tia.T sauce, .Macea.ronl, Veriiiieill), Nutmegs, .Mace, Ac., .tc., for saleby llEKIiICK A .MILES.Nov. Jp). d.UtlTKA. '.'OIIACCO, f c. 'I 7 011 ANDIIAI.I I'H ll.-OX, II S., VI II ,n.l I). I. ii I',. . I , Tobacco,eases do extui , I, i tine cut doand!Miiokiiij,di It l ilK A .MILLS.Nov in u.VvvltJ3U11LINGT0jNt PHEE PRESS, ElvIDAY MORNING, JUNE, g, 185J,,Alh.'iny Arii t'rlisciiicnf c.jioti:ls.Dclcvau House, Albany.In tho Immediate vicinity of Ihe lit pot of tho Albany nnd KtitlatKl, Hudson lilt er ami KcirVorlt Central llallrontls,TIiIXH'IIIMS HOESSjI-I:, l'Ronnr.TOR.IIAItDWAlli:.I'riiyu, VoslHirpli & 'i.,ivirnnTriis nrUARVWAHH, CVTt.KllY. STU:!.,Ill) Mntu Micct. Atliiiti),LiNst.ia 1'iinrv, I, W, Vosutiton, J. Ii. MvnPLK.Erastua Corning At Co.,IMPORTER UKKnlisli, (irriniiii nnil I'lriicli lliiriliinir,and Mintifacturrrit of and lhattr inAMUR l(! AN HA II I) W Alt!!, 1 1! ON,Nails, STr.rt., Simkhs, Ac451 unit -153 ilni-.ulwnv, Alliany.E. Corniso. O. C. ll.vviso.v. 1 E., Jr.EilViNiin :uiri Veils-,Importers of and Dealer InHAKinVAIir. AM) (UH'U-.IV, IKOX,nrr.r.L, xau.s, 0c.,Nos. 41 ,t l,T Stnto Street, AM1AXY.ALriAXDER Daviikov, . . MArnirc E. Vicle.NATHANIEL WRIGHT,IMPORTER, MAVPFACTL'RER AVD PEAI.FR 11Coach and Saddlery Hardware, I'lmhn, CMt, Dam,atk Rubber Cl'Jh, Palrnl Leather, Cnpal and LtalhirVarnuh, " HKt.EYAX III.OCK,"Xo. .121 flroadway, corner of Hamilton Street.I)UY (JOODS.tlry(s'(imN :il Vliolt's:,Tho undersigned aro novr receiving direct fromEurope, largo Importations of Ilry (Joods, embraolug many new nnd beautiful st.vles. Also, a verygeneral and deshable stock of American Hoods, allof which they aro piepured to offer to the trade onthe most favorable terms. Particular attentiongiven to Cloths, Cassimeris, Vestlngs nn.l TailoringOoods generatly. An examination of our Ptock by.Merchants and Merchant Taylors Is solicited.A. M. A W. X. STR0XG,Importers and J-ibbrrg, flroadway, Albany,A. 31. Strong. Win. X. Strong. T.J. Strong.K. . .V; o.,Manufacture of and Wholesale Dealers inREADY MADD CLOT1IIXG,Importers and Jobbers of Cloths, Cassimeres, Ve'tsIngs nnd Trimmings. A largo assortment of linoaud medium, low priced Clothing, constantly onhand and for sale on the most libeial term. "Merchants are Inv lied to call and examine our stock.iVoj. 3 and 4 Lichangc, Albany,l'UKNITUKi:.Edwin A. Harris,Cabinet I'lirnilurc .V Clinir IMnlilihnient,519 Broaduay, few donrs South Dclcian Ifautt,ALIIANV, X. Y.Tour of tho largest Ware l'.ooius In the State first,second, third and fourth stories full of all kinds ofFurniture, manufactured by tho most experiencedworkmen and of the best materials all at very met).nitucs & jHKmciNi;Archibald McClurc Sc Co.,74 A- "C italc-il., and 15 e 17 Awlon-sl., Albany,OtTcr at Wholesale a largo and general assortmentof Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Trench and Amvrican Window Glass, DoStutl', llrushcs.Cainphene, I'luid, Ac., together withevery other nlticlc in their line.Archibald McCi.lki:. AVillhm A. Hice.DRUCij AT AVIIOLESALK,William A. Wharton & Co.,Importers nnd holesalo Dealers InDrill;, Mtdtnitis, Paint, Oils, Yarnt'h'S, lye Stujfs,Ilnnhes, Ciimptime, ltarntnif Hmd , J'ri neh, JZngi.l and AmiricanWINDOW CM, ASS;Apvthrrams' 67-lvs Ware J Chemicals and Perfumery,Xoi. 351 ,1 3'3 llroadnay, Albanv, X. V.William A. Wiiartov. Jon' X. Cptler.cii()CKi:itv, &c.V.nihcnL'ii V rhnrlc,CIIIXA DUI'OT,Am. 02 sj CI Stale street, Albany, A. Y.,Importers, wholesale and retail dialeis In China,(it.... r ...I.-. i- ,,-t. . ...ii t......iviit ...lie, liinaiioia vi are, LooailigGlasses, St"ne Ware, Druggist's M'are, ("andlebras.. , vonij'iiruv, an'v vii L.ninps oi vnc variouskinds.riroAs rixTunn?.:f;i:on:itn;s.AVinn,i:s ai.i: (.'lid "'i:s,And Dealers inOils of all knidi, Tar, Pil.h, H-.m, Oa(nin, 4'e.IS (ii. iy M., cur. Ilxi li.tiic,Vl.ll.V.NV, X. V.Tcter Monteath, Joseph D. Iladglty.Wail A; Coalos,Aoi. ZofJ and 301 Briiadwny Albany,Wholesale Dialers inGroccrio, Teas, Coike, Sugar, Molassi, Spice",Foreign Fruits, Xuts, Ac.; IJav ana Segars, of superior quality ; Snenn, Solar, halo and OllvoOll.i.fiKID .t DAVIS,WliOLESALi: VKALUKS IXForeign Li-tuors, Wines, Cordials, Havana Segars,Ac.; also, a superior article of Irish Scotchnnd Manongahela Whiskey.An. 11 State Sired, ALI1AXY.James Held, M'illiam Davis..STOVKS.Stoves ! Stoves !The Subscribers offer to the trade on fair and lib.eral terms, ulare and completo assortment of Stout,of the first quality, for both coal and wood, amongwhich are tho celebrated lilack Diamond ami MayFlower Cooking Stoves and tho Irving and FranklinCoal Kilmers. Also, a large assortment of Xew1'atUrn Parlor Stoves for wood..'iiA'c puundry, Xo. 110 Ueaiee.St., .Wsiny.TKEADU ELL A I'EliltV,HOOTS AM) snow,Ooorse A. AVoolvrrlon ,V Co.Manufacture! s and Wholesale Dealers inIloots and Shoes ; also, Agents for Oondyear's IndiaRubbers, and J. 1'atridge's Hoots.3oG and 35S llroaduay, Albany, A, 1'.0. A. Woolverton. T.Dunn. C. II. Woolverton.JARED HOLT,I.IJATIIIIK AND riM)IN-(J STOIiH.13 Hudson Street, Album,Cvnitanth on hand oak and hemlock SoleLeather, French and Aimricnn Calf Skins,Linings, Holdings, Morocco, J.ails, andHoot Trees ; Shoe Makers' Tools and Tindmrs of all kinds, wholesale and retail.AtJIdrU.ll'L'liA!-.Albany Agricultural Works,Warehouse and Sied Store.E.MEHY A CO., Solo .Manufacturers of EMERY'Scelebrated ;'a(ii llmlnuul lleie Pviicr, and Iherahd 'threshing Ma. hmes and Siparatm. AIo,.Mauufactuieis of, and wholes lie uud retail dealersill Agricultural Mi, him, and Iinplcmmtt of thelatest and most approved kinds extant ; dealers In(7roi, I'uld, fi'ratM, Harden, and Flourr Srtdt, and1'ertdiiers. fj"tl arehouse and Sales Uooin, 309and 373 Ilroadvvay, Albany, X. V.IIeirv D. Emeuv. James Pri HFLn.P'lm Itn: T. J'., the Ollle llraneh.Somebody out West sends us a note objecting toour pulling "'t Humbug lia S.lie."The gentleman could not be acquainted with thoarticle. Wo could hardly keep house without it thisway j it is .me or the bc.t things for burns, bruises,wuuu I", and many other fle.h diseases, or injuriesof any kin I, that wo know of. t u saw a vouugman's hand badly biltm and mangled bv a dog.It sullenly bicame swelled, and pained him terri.bly. He had it doue up in liuldmi's A'um.i AVie,and bv the next morning the swelling had nearlyceand, and the pain and iiitlamatmn had alio leftthe wounded hand ami wrist, and was soon healed.For burns it lus no suptrior.It I. not tho intention of the editor to admit advertisements or puds of any altielo which is not ofpublic or private utility i and's A'un.aSalie Is almost bejoud value to those who have noremedy or physician at hand, especially when uiervher. of a family aie biirmd oi wounded The no.lice we write without pay, oi the knowledge of thepropriitor.A XEW WISH Tl) A "HOME TI'XE."Of red'Uuverod Iteiiiedlns much yon may have,llut try what ion will, there is iioiigbt likuoui Suite;From A'u.'iv 'tis named, and wheiever vou roam,You'll fuel 'II. tlm leinedy nnMt prlred it I le.A charm from tliu skies seem, to dwell in each bos,And I. .Iks gu to lUhlNso'h to buy it, in llocks.For llruiscaor Flesh Mounds, Cuts und Sores "ti. sineII you will hut unco trv it, to make a line euro IKEDD1MI A Co., I'ropiletor., Iloston.Sold by Messrs. T. A I'm. A. r. (1. !I Si Mo. II ,t Co,, 1,'llilliigtoii..Match 'ii, 1 .1 iiJ9iii. ,s3Iri(UUr ",' -'' iinl-lnit s ;'v'l.ii a'H.i itia, ruiii,iI',, i i.100 -h .. lli,.LV I' , .'.100 (. halll I uill SL'l'lllplelelui Inle byU Wl'.Y A AI.I I'NXov 1l7wilJloslon Cards.JAMES FRENOH CO.ruin.ifliinits, hooks.: cits,linjtorttrs and Deilers inSTATIONERY,XO. 7N M'ASIII.Ntl'I'OX ST., ItOSTO.V.37"Country Traders, llooksellcrs, Teachers, Clergymen, Hanks, lliillioads, lusiiranco and otherCompanies, furnished on the best terms.tVOrdris Solicited. , JMarch 1", 1831, wr,moaI A I.AI H U vV II A L 1.,Succesn-yrs to thuvtl Jr,tii ii g n c I i c n 1 a ii il T rlvr r a p IiliWIItl.MFNT AhKEIIS,AO. 520 WAStllXliTOX STIinr.T,Jl 0 S T 0 N .tfiTElectrlcal and l'hllosophlcal apparatus forSchools and Collegca constantly on hand, or manufactured to order on short notice.March 17, 1851, wlyfo IFiTTTo v irT cT)77MAN CrACTL'HtRS OrCLOTHS 'M G ,A.Stl IMPORTERS OFGlen's ruriiisliiii fiiooils.28, 30, 32, 31, and 30 Merchant's How.Hotwecn 1'ancuil Hull & Stnto St.,joiix r.ovi:,j. 11. Li l.d, I10STON.C. V. V MITTEN.March 17, 1851. wlyj.i'oiis&'i)iaMi,.ME It (Ml A NT T A I LORS,Itr.ADY MADV. CLOTHLXG,ANDMen's FiiriiMiin (.'noils,21 COUitT STHnET, - - - liOSTOX.JAMES M. MCOD3,JOHN K. HE.VNE.March 17, 1831. wlyTUilNEJt, WILSON & (.UImporters ofillis, Urcs (.'iinil-s ,V; SliuwNsNon. .10 nnil 01 I'cilernl St.CORXEU OF FHAXKLIX ST I',05T0X,Have constantly In store and offer to the trade onthe most favorable terms, a completo assortment ofuennan, i rencn ami iiriusn Hoods, to which theyreceive aciaittons iy every packet.J. X. Tcrver, A. Hamilton,E. C. Wilson, F E. Matvarh,Wit. II. ritCHARDSO.March 22, 183 1. wlyCHANDLU &. COiviroRtrRAND DHALEKS IN' DllV HOODS,Xo. OAS SUMMER STREET,II () S T O X .March 22, 1854. wf.mosLOVKTT & Wi:iJ,IN(iTON.125 MILK ST., r.OPTO.V,Desirous of cultivating a Ca'h trade, have lmde ar-ragements to sell their largo stock ofAmerican nnil foreignEl.trtl tvai-c ami Cullory.At such low rates as will induce a peimanent 'trado,Traders visiting Doston will find it for theirinterest to call uon them.March 22, li-5l. sv39inoslC A 11 Vll'V I N (J S !W.M. I'. TUNNY & CO.Itnilroml Hull,IIAYMARKET SQUARE D0.510X,Importers ofEnglish Carpctings,F the following d -scriptions, vii: Superiorv anu .vicuuili v elvet I'lle, ilo l apeslry Brussels, do Kidderminster, Floor Oil Cloths,Rugs, Mats, Ac. Me have in tore a great varietyof choice patterns for spring, also, American carpeting., lligclow Ilrussels, I,ow(113 ply and Inglalns,and almost every description to be found in themarket, at the lowest prlve.March 17, 1531. w39mo.3GC. A P. I). RICHARDS, DESCE.VDAXTSof the Grand Olta wn Tribe. Imve Ijil.eo imtheir residence in Burlington, on ft. Paul "treet,siconu uoor -ortn oi trie Mono LIniich, vvheic theyare prepared to administer tu tho wants of tho i-lvknnd AtUioted. Having had long experience in theu-w ui vegeiitoiu -ieuiciiies, nicy letl no oruiuarvdegree of pleasure in stating to the public gemrallv,and especially to Ihe despairing Invalid, that I'iie'vcax l RE VT Bl-ccrn llv all curable disea-es towhich the human svsteinis snbieel. Thf llnelnr..havo resided for the lal three .wars in the city ofHudson, where their aboriginal skill in the healingart has earned for thtm uu enviable leputatioii.Their success in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption, Discasos of tlte l,lvr, Hurt, Kidue'vs nodSpleen, .-crofula, Diopsics, l icei Eiuptioiis, i tc,has liad the elftet to attract numerous Invalids fromvarious parts of tho country, u gieater poitiou ofwhom have been permanently cured by Ihe ue ofthose Roots and Plants Unit 'the dreat Spilit hasparticularly designed for tho cuie of the above complaints, and for tlio administration of which theDoctors have become so justly celebrated.Tho Doctors inherit the sUil and native talentthat have so long distinguished their ancestois, astheir Talher and Urand..vather were cclcbiated Med.Icine Men of their Tribes.The sick of both sexes are invited to call and consult the'o Ihorough.bred Indian Doctors.2rTho Doctors will visit patients at their rtsidences, when desired.Burlington, Jan. 16, 151. wlyZinc Paints.rpiIEXEW JERSEY ZIXC CO. are prepaied toI- execute orders for their valuable WHITE ZIXCPAINT, which is now acknowledge to be superior tolead In WlllTENE-W, BRILLIANCY nnd Dl'KABILITY either lor inside or outside use. And as itis now cheaper nnd wlllcover a muchgreatersurfacethan Lead, using equal weights, and is not poisonou,it recommends itself, both on tho scoreof health andeconomy.A method of preparation has recently been disoovered which enables tho Company to warrant theirPaints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs for nnyreasonable time. In this respect their Paints willbe superior to any other on the market.Their Bnovv.i Ztxc I'ai.vt, which is sold at a lowprice, is now well known for Its protective qualities,when applied to iron or other Metallic surtaces.Their Srovr. Color Pai.vt possesses all the prop,ertics of the llrown, and is of an agreeable color forPainting Cottages, Depots, Out Buildings, Biidgcs,Ac.Their Paints which are sold Dry or Ground In Oil,aro warranted pure, and put up in kegs of 25. 60,100 and 200 lbs., to be used precisely liko WhiteLead.For Sale by th principal Dealers of the UnitedStates, or by MANNING A PQUIEH, Agents.15 Dey Street, New York.March 13, 1B54. w38mos3Important to Young Men.Don-mail's ready wai to make Monri,(OFFER for sale upwards of thirty different Re.ceipts, many of which have been sold the pastyear for live dollars a riece, aud tho whole comprising so many dilTercut ways to make money. In thesates of ono of these articles alone, I ha've knownyoung men tho past pear to make from fire totwelvedollars per day ; and in the lamiitacture and saleol any of tho articles, no young man of i nergy andability can fall to make, money.Address E. BOWMAN, Boston. Mass., enclosingono dollar, and the whole number of Receipts willbe forwarded by mail. Xo letter taken lrom theofhcu unless prepaid.Dec. 10, 11,53. wf.mos.r K A V i !i LI. WHO M'ANT AXES OF THE REM, COLJ - LIXS A CO. make should be partictilirto noticethe stamps, as them are various counterfeits and imitations stauied Collins and labelled imtcli like ours,which aro fraudently sold n some parts i f theUnited States as nur m-inufaetute 'Ihev are madeIndifferent parts of tho e'ounliy by laiiiuis axe.makers, and aro generally ol veil inferior iii.ilitv.The genuine Collins axes, which have ae'iiirilsu''han uxtensivo reputation, are I i. ariably st himhiI"COLLINS A CO., II UilMIUli," and each axehas a printed label with my sie 'iture. It is now (more than Twt.irv-t ivi: vrvni. .inee we eoinmeueclthe business with the stunpof'l. Ilins A Co," and I do not know ol any ol ivr axe-uiakerliythe naiae of Collins in thu United States.isA.M. W. COLLINS,August 21, le53. wllwlvcarSLT.ii. no Dua' T- f,u-r1(1,(100 bags Dairy do , Puts Kick, .trainlehned and M'elrn.fill bag. LiveiiHtoltiiieilQ. e.Whlou's.inmi bus. Cauails rail,juit received and loi sale bvilERRICK A MILI.Nov iM ,i ,u ,Wfntls.""l(Hi Ki;,ls "EVGI.E" Vlll-i t M.(ry Axe., .-hot, Uad, Ponder. and -alels lii.ejust received by 'IIEIIUICIC .t MILLS.Nuv. 28, d.twllSiinnrs. MoliiHscs, olc,Z( HUD'S. BROWN 81(1 Ml.10" lids. Refined do, crushed, powdered andcoffee; 50 bbls. and 23 bhds r- nip nnd MoaeIIEIir.lCIv A Mll.l.-i.Nov 2. ,1.1 w IfI. liter IVoiii I In- l,iiii'i'i".,t FEW TTKRCE.SSAL.MON, NO 1 M U'L'ERKLJ and Codfish and a few Buxes Cantllcs, whichi didn't come from the Fl.heiies, fur sale byA. S, DKWKY.I Oct 10, dAv.trLISQAL NOTIONS.Henry Leavenworth's Estate.STATE OF VERMONT 1 To all pe,,. connisriticr or i iiitTKMiF.v. sa. ( teri.,,1 i i ... !,.,of Henry Leavenworth, l.ilo of Burlington, In -aidinsirici ucenseii, (inn.rlNiiAt n Probate Court hidden at llnrllnirl,,,!. ulll.l,,nnd Tor tho District uf Cliltlim.leii, on tho ll.lh day..r II.... V I, ,o-.t .... t. .. . . J-'"V " i.'.,i,n iii-iruiiieni, purporting to hotho last Will and Testament of Henry U'livenworlhlata of Burlington In said Di-tiltl, deceased, wn.lirceiiled to tho Court aforesaid, for Prob ito, bvHarry Miller, Francis Wilson nnd .lames . Illckok,tlio Executors therln named j And It Is opined bysaid Court Ihat the 3th diy of Juno A. II. IVil, atthe office of tho Probate Court In said Burlington,bo assluned for proving s ii I Instrument j nnd thatnotice thereof be given to all poisons eonceinol, bypublishing thl, order three wei k. i y Inlhellilllington 1 reo Press, a newspaper printed "at saidBurlington, previous to the tlmcappoiiitid.Therefore, you aro hereby notified to appear before sal I Couit, at tho timo nnd place nfoie-nld, andcontest the probate of said will, ll jou hale eail-e.(liven under my band at Burlington in said Illstrlct, this ltth day of May, A, D." l""3 W. II. FRENCH, Judge.I't'titioii lo Sell I. aii'.STATE OF VERMONT, ) The Probate Court fort'UTRicr or cimttendcv, a. J the DisirlctofChittendeu, to all persons to whom these present slmllcoine, (liti.RTIso ,Mhereas, John Xar.vniore, of Charlotte, In saidDistrict, guardian of Truman Jtndiews. Ilirriet. An.drews, Emelino Andrews, and James Andrews, ofi.a rme i, uounty ot l.alon, Mate ol .M Ichlgnn, Mlnon,having represented to said Court that his said wardsaro seised In their own right and fee as tenants Incommon of certain real estate In tho town ol Charlotte, In said distrlut, and described as follows, towit l being about 3 acies of land set to the saidWards from the estate of Asa Xaraniore, late of Charlotte, aforesaid, deceased, that It would bo lor thebest interest, of his said wards, to havo said RealEstate sold, and the proceeds thereof put at Interest,and praying raid Court to grantliliu liccn'o to sellthe same either at nrlvate salo or i.oblto itnellnn.Wheioupon said Court assigned tho 3d day ofoi'ii i me i rooaie uiuco in i.ui nnglon. In saidDistrict, for hearing and deciding on tiie abovo ap.plication, and lhat notice thereof bo given, by publishing the substnnco of the said Million anil llilorder, tlireo weeks successively, in tho lliirllngton. ret i riss, n newspaper prlnteil In this Stale, prevlous to tho time set for hearing.Thereforo you aro hereby notified toappear n'abovo.Given under my hand at Burlington in s.ld Dis.met tins ntnuay or Mav A. D. 1H54.W. 11. TRENCH, Judge.w47w3Eliza White's Estate.Yrc THE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING BEENT r appointed by tho Honoiirablo the ProbateCourt for tho District of Chittenden, Commt-sioneisto receive, examine and adjust the claims and demands of all persons, ngaiusl tlio estate if ElizaWhite, lato of Willlston in said District, deceased,represented insolvent, and also all claims and demaiiils cxhlhllid In' tlieieto j and six monthsfrom the day ol the date heleof, being .illmved bvsaid Com t for that purpose, we do heiebygive notice, that wo will attend to the bu-tness rjfour appointment, at the dwelling of Alonio F, S.vxon In Milii-ton In said District, on tho olJuncnnd Oetobcr next, at III o'clock, A. M., on eachof said days.Dated this lM dav ol Mav, A. D. l'J'il.JOHN VAN SICKL1N. )C. W. RROWNELL. Couimi..oner..wISwt ANSON S. JOHNSON. )Saiiuul Fli'li'lirr's INf.-iie.STTE OF VEII.MllNT, ) The Probale CurtDISTnll'T OF CIIITTKMH.V, !. $ for tho Di.-tlict ofChittenden ; to all persons interested in the e-tiltool Samuel Fletcher, l.ilo of Shelhiirn, in -ii l i.tlict, deceased, (Iriminu .Mhereas L mm Hall, Administrator of the IN.tato ol said deceased, propose, to render an a"eountof his administration of said Estate, and piesenthisaccount agiinst the same for examination and nllowalico by said court, and tlio said court having a--signed,for tint purpose, tho 17 day of June, A. D.,Itsol, nt the office of the Probate Court, In lliirllngton, in said District, and ordered that you be notllied by puhli'hlug the time and place assignid asaforesaid, three weeks successively'in the I'urli'igtonVice Press, a newspaper printed at said Burlington,the hut ol which publications t.i bo previous to theday fixed for heating.Therefoio, 3011 aro hereby notified to appear before said Court at the timo and place aforesaid, andshow cause. If any you have, why the sai I accountshould not be allowed.Given under my baud at Burlington in sail Hi-,riet, this !'th day of Mav, A. l. Is. j Ivvlbw 1 W. H. FRENCH, Judge.Elatiil l3li:un's i;;ilc.STATE OF VERMONT, ) The Probate Curtntiinicr or rniTTrnrx, j fr the District ofChittenden; To all persons intete-ttd in the F-tatcof David Isham, lute of M illistoti, in said Di-tiiet,deceitsed, linn timjMhereas, Austin Isham, Administrator of the Etate of said ilrceas'd, proposes to lender an accountof his ndinini-tiatloli rif mi id E-tate, and pi I sent hisaccount against the same for ex.iiniiuition and allowatice by said court, and the said Couit havingassigned, lor that purpose, the 3d day of Jinn, A.D., l-ol, at the ollice of tho Piobale Cuit, in ur.lington, in said District, and ordi red that vou benotified by piil'lishing the time and place u.-igmda. afore -aid, three week, suecesslvelv In the Burlington Pree Pns; a new spape r printed at said Bin-Imgt the last of which publications tu be pie-vlous to tho day fixed for hearing.'Iherefoio Jim areherebynotlfied to appear beforosaid Court al the time and placo aforesaid, and s,wcau-e, if any you have, why the siiidaccouiit shouldnot bo allowed.Given under my hand at Burlington In said District this 9lh day of Mav, A. II ISM.wll.w 1 ' W. II. FRENCH, Judge.Tapicr Machc.IT IS THE BE.-T AND MO-T DURABLE MAterial known for Picture Frames, Moulding,Cornices, Brackets, House Caps, Capitols, Consoles,Window Cornices andall kiudsof House Ornaments;Centre pieces forCeiling,a!l sues and prices, winchcan be sent to any pint of the country, nnd anyCatpentor cau put them up in a few moments, without creating any dust or dirt. Also Block Lettersfor Signs, Hilt Mouldings aud Cornices, for ShipCabins, ship Cap-, both plain and,ornamented Pilasters, Ac. It will not crack in anyheat of climato or of furnace, nor " warp" nor"give," In any way it cau be cut filed, sawed,planed, and turned by a lathe. It can be nailed andscrewed, and is a non-conductor of heat.Till: JO.SVO.V PAPlKIl MAClli: ft).take pleasure In saying to the people of thi uouutly, that they now havo two large factories 111 themanufacture of Papier .Macho Ornaments and alerrejiaicd to execute orders to any design at shortnotice. Our woik has been fully tested, and is nowpieferrcd both for its beauty, and durability, andcheapness, over all kinds of carved work, lromwhich it is difficult for even the mutt piactical tyeto distinguish it. M'o are now prepared to speak oftho uses of Papier Mache, not as a matter ol eonjecture or guess-work, but as a rmlity.M'e would refer particularly to the new and beautiful church recently built in Roxbury, by Ihe Dudley street Baptist Soolety, whero our Gothic workway bo seen in Pannels, Crockets, Rosettes, andFlowers in front of Gallery largo Arches, Cross,Crockets, Battlements, Columns, Ac., for Screenratera's, Fiurnls, Norman Roses, Cap for pulpit,aud in the organ gallery may lie seen one of .Mes-rsSimmons A Co.'s largo organs, ornamented entireWilli Papier Mache, Also, to a largo number of elegint private houses in this city and vlcinltv. Fourbuilt and finished by Cliilson, Turner A Co., eightbuilt I' J. A, Turner A Co., Chief Justice sluw'.hoii-e on Mount Vernon .treet, and .1 large numberot others furnished both inside nnd out, and to theship's Cabins of Daniel Webster, Staffoulhire, Gemof (he 1 k'e jo, Herald of the Morning, Boston Light,Ac, Ac.Architects and others use the Papier Mache inpreference to any oilier material. M e, inv ite alt toC II at our Ware Rooms, .Museum Buildings, 2t and26 Tremont street. Button, and examine this newcrtlcle u-cd as substitute for Carved wood, PlasUrand Composition Ornamental work. Orders prompt,ly attended to. AddressBOSTON PAPIER MACHE CO.21 and 2li Tremont St., Boston.-March 30, 1851, winniosGVegetable Pulmonary Bnlsam.ContvnHig nritHrr Vmiir tnt nor Tttrtnr J'mttn .T II i; r, K II A T STWIt.Alllireined) for all ruhn'-nnry n.ri tt Kitenivcv u.(.,l, tetefand appmied in N'eir llnlind,I'nn.i'U and the ltnlih I'hukkhluring a pentxi ol Tm nty.oi unyrarii, hy f.minent Ni fiei.m,ChTMiieii, I'rnffcit.rii ori'idlefii,1 heitloii'.il emiuiirii'ii, .eientifieand IitniiMiihed I'nldio Men.nt In fact, hy all cl ui in the einuinnit .Xiiihiiotlit r it i recommended bv Kei . I r- I.vniau hi iI4I0 l'uid nt of Ijihc 'Jheolitfticil ."eniinary, Cin,eitinti, Uhiu; t, J,.n.n.ird Wnodv, .MtiI'rof. of 'I hi otug) in Anlnt r 'I heidijh-al Seminary,Ma5 ; lion. latilrl 'I licnipstitn, .'eeietary of the.Mate v( 'eimuut, author of 'Mireen .MituntnlnIii,' lock 11iMlen,' A .Moittpt-lit r, Vt. ; N.I'. Williami, V,$ ., turmeily Collector of thu I'nrt olHaltiuiore. .Md. ; Itev. Jt.teyh l.ll'h, Philmhlphin,I'a. , 11. t. IVrnald, lrt I md. Me., and in my other.In connection widi uurold -in rent nrthde, tu nowput up a $ I iie, m large purr lttle with richvnniuiled hue wrippir. gilt direelionn, and luufiuule uf Wm. I oit'ii Cut If 1 , i-onliiiiiiti,; iiiaily tourtinit the ipi.intitv u lho rtiiiMllcr ie.fciy"-""11' 'f Ctninti'rleiti. and liuitnlin 'Kutuire Un tue article hy iU V hulu ,' l.itaiflv '' 'M ir y H'lUotn.'Piepaud mdy hy IIKIIH, CI 'i'l. lilt .1 Ct)., IruS.iil,Ji India t.,ll.toii,ii4,,Hinl noil hy plhteiriet uud ('ou.ito .Merehant Reneially. TrU'e,lHleltel ; until lltu aO ri utK..faiuiary 'il. ullwlliuori" LKJlIT! MUli'.' !i sr. I'oxm OAfiDl.h-.I e ,Mi lo petti lo ; ll boxe- .oloied Ills Winter ll lid V. Hi, n,'I rash. el's .1" I'uie l"penn111 Iv ,t VI 1.1.M". sJAwtfOcrman Vorji('(l8.A nilNIl l,ur, Nl;V Mi 111 lii ' rnuI o , also, Wursteel I'atleins, .tc , u t nedL .M A N 'dM.-- td.tvitrsf!C.i Iron lis .slc;uii!in;il. anilH X I' I! S S K .S .Michigan Central Uailroatl Line,CAimi.Nn mi: uiti it -riJiN lmti.iiHrAIIW TIMIOI (HI .MAIL.oit iirirmnr, ciiiomio, nr i.ons mil. 'I n 1I KH-. Slir tin... i.a. U. 1.11 It'nrt-t mi L;tL MI..I.1 ,.. 1 .. I r.. Ii..I.ii,,i u...i....tR..ri 1 11... ... in !' i'" 1 ' in i"i,iii'iiii tiiinrx.-' iiif in ,i iuiiiii 11 1City nitli Uio Now AILiiny uii.l Mill-in Ilulkimil tt.r jI'MitoiK.ii ro oirritoiT ix siti:i:.lljssrs. ................iniOll, M I I IIVM' I ll.1ISl.XXslM llh a certainty of unking a coimeitloii al Ibtlolt..III., I.- 'l'...l.. I,. .. ., 1 . ." ' u iiiiiii" 1 0 0 11 nig inrfci 1 lining 11 toChicago over an old ctahlHicd andreliable Ballroild, Willi NightCars, built expres-ly forthe Route.First Clas Fare to Chicago, $s,i0. IIM CIimrare to Milwaukee, Kenosha, Racine and Shiboy.gun, i't.oil. .Meals and Stal Rooms on Liko Eric,eatra. Second Class to all I'm Is on Lake Michigan,iW. Third Class Faro to all Ports un Lake Jllchig'in, $3,(HI,THE NEW AXIi M'l.EVHIIi UN'irHD STUESM n, .-it;ieh-.,BUCKEYE STATE,.1. I.MSO.V, Coiiinmiiiler, 7LF.AVRa HLMALO MOXIiAVs aiii imliislavs.MAY FLOWER,T. 'I'. llODso.N , Ciiiiiiniiiiilri,i.r.ivis tut na vs ami i ihdw .OCEAN.!. t;. lll.OIKMVI'T, Coiiuiiitnilcr,LEAVES BCrt ALU VVLIiMStiVVa AMI SVUItliAV. 'One of the above splendid Steamers will leave theMichigan Central Railroad Lino whllf, at '.I o'clockP. M., or on the arrival of tho Lightning Trainsfrom New York aud Albany. Running through, 1 iaNoith Shoie, without landing, arriving in II tri.lttho next afternoon, in time lor tho Lightning Trainfor Chicago, over n heavy V Hail t well soddedroad, freo from du-t eoinroitublo Night Cars, builtexpressly fr tho Route, the best Railroad In thoUnion ; connecting withci,lii;.vi'sm'I,i:niii ocstkam.1:11s roit Ai.u'oiii'.soxl,AKi:.MK'IIKi.N,and the Railroad I10111 Chicago to La Salle and St.Louis, forming tho most pirli.t and Coniloitalle eouteto .St. (mm 1 irst Class Steamers form a Daily Linebctwien La Suite and St, Louis.15? This route affords to Travelers, either forpleasure or business, advaillilges not enjoyed by anyother. Tho Boats of the Line on tho Noi'tli Pas. ageare lev. exposed to tho stoims and rough weather Incident tu a Trip by the South Mioic, nnd Bro notsubject to any detentions lhat other lines are bygoing into Ports difficult of entry, Tho picturcvpiobeauty and magnificent gl.iudeur of tho DetroitBiver, as enjoyed lrom the noblo Steamers of tillsLine, hns liu C' The Railroad fi Detroit toChicago pas-is through all tlio principal towns ofI ilpoitanco in Michigan an advantage not enjoyedby any other Route, mid one that entitles it to aprece'leli(.e over nil othels.isJ' Baggage conveyed I'lom Ihe Curs to tlio BoatVe of Charge, ty delivering their Checks to theAgent on the Train, or at the Depot, and eheckedthrough oil the Route.IV D. W. MIII1TXG I, Freight Agent for theLine, llffico on M. C. II. B. link, Bullalo. Also,General Forwarder. Mill lorvvard Freight or anyhind, in any dlrertlnn, bv aatf moile of eomryiinee, attho lowest rales, and with despatch: Mark Package", care "D. W. Whiting. Buffalo."E?l II 110 1011 TICKET can be procured of HieAgents of the Line, Eat of Ltifljlu, and at the Office or tlu M. C. I! R.', Baffil".iiAiti.i:s 1:, Noiti.i:,(tcuoml Agent, Buffalo.Aiosr.s I,. I 111 l!( II,Agent, Burlington.May 11, IS i I . d.twttIK.-.t. I.Alii: t llA.Ml'I.AI.N. IH.H.THE MAV AMI erLLMHU ilH.DIUHAMERICA and CANADA4isSWX.x?t-SiWill, on aii'i after Mon.he, Ahy I'l, .ml untilfurther notice, tun as lollons, to nit. Biciy ilajr,(iuiehys excepted)Tin- Slcusiicr Aiiicrici,t'AIT. V . II. 11. Mill,(Vein.' South, leiee Bou-i '- Point at 8 o'clock A.M., uu arrival of Cars of Cli'iioplaiii uu-i M. Ban.rence Bailroj'l, from .lontri al, le.ich I liu 1 1 nr. ti.n .itIDS A. .M in time fot tho train ol Butl.iii'l .ire IBurlmi;tou ll.nlroa'1 K"in .-'.nth iiiel K.i-t, aulWhitih.lll at II o'eb'ek 1'. l. , in lime rr the Carswhich reioii liny ami Alli.ui) ut 7JI". .t., aulBats ti, xlm Vore next inoi mug.lioitig .V.yA, le.uu M lilteball at 1' I' M., or onarrnal or the I.1CI11114 1 1:1111, 1,1,01 J'i,,i, All.auvoiel, anile nt Km 1 i imt'.n' 0 1 ," lir tIlluming, aiel K'i elireetl.v to House's 1'oillt Mlthoutstoppinij.nn'l arrne at 74 A. M.. aii.l in time f.,rCarsuf the I lialuplaiii aul M. I. inn lie" ilailroa.lto .Montieal, nt 10 M., ,,'i'Hn ll,;Jeii.biii;h Bailmail to 0-'linsbiiro'h at I o'i lock I'. M.Tlu- Slc.iiitci- C;3i:wl;i,cut. 11. i'ihti:b,frui'ic Xirth,, leaie IVhlt.-h ill at III A. M., or onarriial or first Traill Car- Ir un Ti-y, Mliam aiel.'chencetii'ly, icich Burllu-t"U at 3j" 1'. Jl., iiherethey will connect with the liains ol the Itutlaii'l ABurlington lluilioail, an.l take p.i'seiigci.'liieclly toBou-e'd l'oiut ivitliout stopping, aiel urine at 0 1'.Jl., in time for the Cms ol the Ch.nnpl.iin mi l M.Lawrence Bailruail, which read, Jl"iitleal the sameeicnin.Going Siuth, le.110 Buuse's l'oint on ufTrains Clninplalii A St. I.iwriucu ami UnilentbiirghBailruails, arriie at Builinglou al'ijl'. Jl., aielreach A hitehall at ti next iiioiuiug, an-l in timelor passengers to arrive in Troy ami Albany in Mason for Cars directly to Xew Vorh.orat --iheueclailyin time for Tiaius going est.'Vie aluve tirriuijrmtnt will lonneit 111th all the Passtnger Trains of the lltillund mid llmliagton A'111rroad at't.j. e. itAiiitirr,M ill, iintill further notice, inn betneen Burlington aiel 1'lutsburgli as follows, to wit :l.easo Burlington every morning (.-"unilays excepte.l,) at 51 A. Jl and via l'l. Kent an 1 I't. Jackson,arrive at l'lattsburgb at " A. Jl. Leave I'l.ittsburghat is A. Jl., I't. Kent at ',1 . Jl., ami nirire at llurlingtunat 10J V...M., in timo lor l'asseners going.outll either by Line Boat or by the Bulland andBurlington Bail Bead. Leaie Burlington at 35 i.Jl., on arm al of Line Boat from Whitehall, audTraill of Kutl-tii'l and Burlington Bail Bead, andproceed directly to I'lattsbtirh via I't. Kent andI't. Jackson. Leave Blattsburgh at 7 I'. J(.,anl bysame roiitearrive at Builiugtou in season for ."-tea-laerCanada going couth ; also, the Holland andBurlingtou Hail Bond, going uuth and East.Burlington, A pill 27, lbU. dAwtf.WESTERN VERMONTA MPTI.OV AMI IIOMOX UAII.ItOADS.i nr r50UTHKKX AND VKTi:i!. UOl'TK.Curr) iiiK tin' I'nllril Mule's utielt'ltmiiLi JInlli,Anil .Valioiiil i:xpirs Jluttrr to Tniy,Allinii) nnil New A'urk. 1OX AXU AI'IKH J10XIIAY, JIAV 1st, leSI,Traill, leave Burlin,;tou, via Kutlaud and Bur-linton BallroildH-IS A. Jl, Arrive at Vergennes, 7.00 a. m., jJliddlebury 7 :lll , BianJoul-.IIG A. m Bullande. 13 A. vi. I, i vvt: BflL lp, by Accommodatiun,at lli.nil a. vi i.r by Kxpress Tralu at l.llu p. ., jarriving at Tioy I.3H f ., and Xew York nt s.30'' ilO.UO A. .11, Arrive nt Vergennes U.'.M a. sr.,JlidJIebury 11. i. vi., Brpndin 12.31 i vi.( But. 1law! l.lll i'. vi. Iti rLAVi., by llxpiesi, at!I. 311 l: . , and arrive nt Troy 1.31) I'. H ., .Vew Vork 'at ii.30 I. ii. Kxpress Train leaves Troy for Buir.iU, 'is'l'l I. vi., arrives j.iii) a. P, Jl, Aiiivoiit I'ergenncs In. Ill r.Middlebury'.ll-. M., Brandon 11.111 r. ., Bulland IV. l.i f. si ., to lodge. Lslvvi. Bin.vMi byKxpress Train ul i..U v. ii., arrive at Troy 11.30 a. .vi.. New York '.'.un p.m. Kxpre.s '1 lain le'avvs I'roy .II. 110 A. vi., alllli. at iliiiralo M.30 r. vi.'1 It UN'-s leave Bullalo for Chic igu, Ac , via LikoShore llailroii'l, 7.3U v. i., 10.1.1 v. m., and lli."ilP.M. Via Western '.LOO v. . Jliehlj;aii.Southern and .Michigan Central Meameis tl.oo p. . IAeeoinodatiou Train leave. Bitlllntou li.U A.M.and airives at Bullau 1 s. II A.J!. Ia'AV e. for Troyat in. on A. Jl., arriving at t HI I'. Jl., eomiectliig alTroy with Kxpie.. Tram, foi Xiw orkaud BuQalu !Till: ItAII.KDAD l!('l TU jFrom Burlington to Troy, Albany, Xew York, andtlii.fnlo, will avoid Ihe diagee, and ihloys Incidenttoother Itoutes. The .peed, regularity, and security iis uueualleil, the time much lea. than by any otherItoule, and the change of ears only as often a. U ,re'iiired for sate ty. 1 he coinple lion ot the new andsplendid Passenger Station ot the Tny I'mon Hail.,'!. ('"n'my, H'rord. facilities I'T obtaining Be.fresh'iients, aud changing ears for Bullalo aud thuWi.t Ulie'tu.illo'l by any other Boiite.fill is the iily line ii.v vvhioh passengers can pro. 'cure through ticket, for thu Me.t, not re.iiiilng tobe exchangi d on the Botite. I'.l-ieuger. going tolliiuy will tbi. the shortest and most dirictroute, the Alb my Xoilliein llailioad not being inoperation b twocn l.agle lliblgeaud Albany.I'lsseiigeis or Ihi b,lo, Toledo, lletrolt, I hicago,will be supplied wltilThlougli rickets b aliv ul tticitoule. iioiii liu lalo.Baggagu checkcl and Tickets sold at the piincinil Mat ions ou the line of the Bull uel iiod iluliii -toll Itailroa I, or by Jniiv Cm urn, tieneial Airent,audi: I. I'ltlMM e, at llie lloti Is.p' .t Lutla id i'l'iiie tor lieu i!ii,'luu liouleuii'l He-teiu s , tu. ist tais. no d. o"l e.augoCaisat 'Vjit' r ButlandI 1 1 K I I'.II'IY,Sup't 1'iv.l I i II It Sup'tWe-l it V t It llMay 1J, I al 'illDK J, It IIM.TOXS "l'ieiiiiuiiiKtrart." forcullnar us, are sold bjr AH HLM HY.August 'it dlfI.1-..I I.XKIi ONTAltHU HA ICHEAT AiYIEIUCArjSlcamboiU am! , I,, Uius!. Unci ,'.,,Niairaia I all.. II ,,..iii....I'mni XortliiMii Vt-rmtiiit inTonoilo, llnfibi I'lcvcl.ili'l, (' biiiati, ', , i,troll, Chicago, Milwatikic, M. Loui., 'AMI ALL Wl:-TEI!N l'iil;T.1.x. .-.'S' 1TJJSNolUIIEIlNLII, .OVT Mlln,T3 A ! isIslS'I' '.. ,'. '. I II. ,, V no.. I lllll. .1. It. I .1c.v I All tl.T, ,''"lie 01 tin-,, l.iig'.conn lion, Like .-teamiis willcave Ogdilisloirgh, el.illynt n P, .M,, oil inilialolboats ll "in .Montuiel nd ears fiom llo.lou Ivings.V"! ,"'l'""'liiX at 7 A. M. Snckett's Harbor, at(i A. M. O-wego, t I P. M,( ,r, i;,I . !., and iirilio nt d ivision, ,.,t nioinliig, cm-iieceing nun lor loronlo, and with Cms fori... B. '' """Ho nd llainiltoli, also wwllli.ilicnig.ln Kailroad, Mich lira 11 Soul hi 1 i Hullroad, Great Western llnllroad. ,i- i, !Clevehin 1, Cincinnati, Toledo, Detroit, Chic.i go, andall polls We-t.I". V It II SS I, I ,N ll !I.Ai S1AIL, . . fpt..l. II. l.,duord.From the Huh i.r June to the 2Hth of Sept. inbir,one ol these largo and boaulilul Lake steamers will(live Og.lelisbiirgh daily, (.-'1111 lays excepted) al 2 I1 . M. 1111 arrival of .tenners I10111 Montreal, and carslrom B.i-loii.toiiehlng at Capo Vincent at (.j i.m.andarrive at Lewl-toii andN'lagara Fulls nexv 11 rrnlng, !connecliiig with cars for Ilaiullt end I,. U lor Tu- 1lonto, al.o Willi Michigan Southern llailioad, Mich-Igan Ceiilral Railroad, and Gnat Merloni Railroad, 1and li inner" lor ITileland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicagoand cste 1 11 polls, .X. B. Passe nge is moling M ist should beputlcu- 'lar topuiehasi' tlirouh tickets at the olhcis ol thecompany, and authorized Agent", or lrom the clrlkaon board Ihe -l".iinors, thcieby avoiding ixti.v ex- 1penseol cartage, wh.1rl.1ge, Ac, Ac.11. O. GREENE, Agi nl, !Church street, opln, situ Cent lloii-c.Builington, Apiil 'it, ,tf.YOflTltKt.Y H.ULMMIhX 1 ..SU.U.MIMt .UtltAX;i;.UKXTN.ilN dll'l il'lnr Alnndiiv. AInv 'At). I s.MlIf ... .. . J ' "iraius win run toMow.Lnv OHfiifMircli at 30 a v.niiU r m.A i n vtnu 'i i U "iit ff'uMi t 'i t I lift r m mninp m.ii .le l.'tni-rM'Kitlt .11 7 30 A m . i.l-i! I r Mrniiu dtt.teii-thuruli at I.Ut) r y ,7 i .M.,aiulII P. M.(.M-fii-ti. I nvirijj 0deii5biire. .v the m-.tnitutrams will lie uhlf u, rem hItoHton nnd Saw Vrk the xiiiiip r,ciiiiit;.liy ill? tiltTnonittrnin tli"y will reich .Mnntp-,.rI "ti'l Kntl'in'lllie-ihiei'Vfniiik'.ai.iI It(mi nnd New1 nrk early tiie neMilav. They will al-o reath therMenihbn-it, in .-on tor their "emni: run nmiththrnuli K.iU- Cli nu-.-li.iiirjen-: ri tem ihl' lniunaiul Ntw Vorkm tluI rnrly trnih- hum ilm-e ciIicb ami Mnnticil at bn'rlurk M ,, rtrtelilhe huals trnm Ujlens.1 Ij'iryhhir pris on j4kc Unliiim and the Upperh.lkec the Ml IMP eVeiimc.Tie tram lenviii-'()i;Jeii-burp,li nt 7 3d a ?i .con1 tieet-. wiihiln; ;pri Steiinieio Imm the Vc3(,put! in pafiiL'Tc hy tho-vr picinnein inn- lln-.((inI nml N cm oik rhi-nne evenini; t v"I'kiMrain1 does not -it .i) Slutionstinoiun: v itKi:fi,1051 Vt. CsntralRailroad..Noithcui and U'c-U'in, Itritili mulMule .lluil'KMS9f''," rrjeteJiN' AM) MAY 1,Trielus will run as followstitiixi; xmtTH a.d wr.sT.Li'inc Bo. ton at 7, v ii ., reaching Burlington nt1 "il and Bou-es IVint at 7 !'. vi ., at 'J. andllgilcnsbulgli nt 111 I. JlLeave I! 12 vt., Xew York 5 A. si., lodgeat JlontM her, Vt., and arrlie at Burlington ati h.lllA.M., .Montreal at HI, and IJgdeniburgh at 1P. vi ,, next d iy.aoiMi hasp axd smrrii.Leave Bouse'i. Point at v. vi., and 7 p. M., inI conneitiou Willi trims liom .Montreal aud ilgdensI burgh, and arriving in Boston nnd Xew York liu., hwitil.iy, by the & a vi train, and the next day bven'1 , r. i train.I'or further iul"rmali"ii, apply at the Ogdcnsliiirgand Be'ii'e.'.s Point l'nsenger Mations. tho Chain,plain and .-I. I.niri nee Bailroad Olhcc, Jioiitreal, toOils Ivlvllivl.L, penf, IH Mntc Street, tind at theIickct Utlice, ..choltay's Building, oU Court Mreit,B"-ton."riciglit Trains run d iliv.J JIK-s JHJOIIK, ,-upt. V. C. B. B.Xorthlicll, Vt., April, j, I;3L,i: w.i,k itiiintii: noi l i:,ToJ I.H IM. '1 III IV, M:VMHiK, HI IT U.ii.i'l,l:VI.I.Mi, IIJI.KIIO, HKTIllIlT, CIX'TXXA 11AXII CHICAGO,VIVRutland antl Washington R. R.,in ee'SNECTlov MiniTiny mul lliiitnii Kallieiiul I'm Trn,Aliniii) .Noilliiin Itnilio.iel lur Albany,Tiiiiormi tu xr.w yohk ix in nor us.irsvaai tfrssi- tizrxzJ?r?& W'jkbl MMKIi AKKAXdKMKNT, COJIMnXt'.IM. MAV 1, .il.Truiu I, rave lliirltimtiui.MAIL, r.-l.'i A. Jl i arrive ut Butland -:!u A. Jl.;arrivcat Troy, lti-OU Jl., to dine. Cars tor Westleave at 3 I. JlKXl'BL'.-S, 10-13 A. Jl.; arrive nt Troy 1.30 I'. Jl.Xew Y'ork, ll-im 1'. Jl.; Kxpress Train foi Buffaloleave at I'-llO I'. Jl.KVKXIXH KM'Ui:.-.-!, D-15 I'. JI.j arrive atTroy1 Jill A. Jl., Xew Yulk, U-30 no.xt luorniug. Kxpress Train for Buffalo leave at C-00 A. Jl., and 10JU A. Jl..Vii rhanur of f'irrs at Hiv'le Undue uponany Train, and no change at all on Heatingj Kiprru hitmen Huilington and 7ey. He-turning, lime Troi, 7-00 1. M., 11-011 .1.,1., am 5-30 P. M.' This is Ihe only I.IXK by which pas-engers canprocure Through 1 ickets for the West, hav ing theirclioicu in iloules v la iroy or .vionny, conn1 cling atcither place with the Hudson Itiver and Xew Y'orkCentrnl l!ailreads.Through Tickets South or West, to any of theabove points, .oiel at the BullaudA Burlington Bailroad Oillce.. Cheek Baggage through by the KagleBtidge Itoule.THOS. II. CAXFIKLD, Supt..-TKI'linX TII.I.KY, Agent, Burlington.Burlington, .May 1, lB.'il. d.twtfi'KW AlUlANOKMKtNT.riatixlMii'ch mid .llonlrrali ML KO.M).ito rr m wmtJn(tlfurthrr notice Trams u tll i hn u.i follows1EAVU MUMi;i:ALH)K.Mlonii-3.ILcriONand nittsburL:li at B.OOa. in. and I.Utl p. in.Lciivo .Moofr .function for I'lattsbur-h at ".32h. m. aud li.ilu p. m. At riattfburh tiie b.UO a. ni.and t.'JO p, in. trains fiom Montreal cunuect withthe Splendid MamcraAMIIItir AND CANADA,For Iturlingtan, Motion, Whitehall, Saratoga, Troy, Albany antl Ati York,ALSOA freight train with a i.i!eiigor car attached willleae Cauliuiwag.i nt 10 30 a. m., connecting withthe Xoun Mains tu and from Ogdeusburgh,JtKri'HXIMi,I.oate PlitlUhingh for Mnoeic .1 unction andMontreal, on arm al of the boat at 7 I0 h. in, and5 30 p. m., connecting witli the Ogdetii-hurgh train.At0An arcoiimiixliition train lenten Platthurgh at'l tm in. on nrrUal of the Kit XCIS SAMTS fnmllurl.ngton, coiintctiug ilh the trains to and fromOgdenthurh.ItKTl'HMM;,Iec Mt'iur .li'iiction at 'i p. m. Iu time for thebeat lor llurlinglou.II. W. XUINOX,iMipt.IK-tuber H. 1S53. dAwtfAorllirrn Kail ICoiut, a, V,STIIUI AND HAlLltOADK X V U KSS Ii () tTT i:,lHKIHIirs TO UX CANADA AND AMEHIas IVm on Uk Ontario, IW Urie and l.nkeMichigan. II. .1. LTMMIXO, Agent.Othec, lb" IlroadHay, Xet-York.Jollf'-i'- dAfttfStiff t Lead ami t.vtul I'ipc,I I.I. i tinbl i fiieap aa ihe rhentit l tuMIti tSKKiKMiIUlf"LANNELS.niITE, ItKll, I'lXK, VKI.I.OtV, lll.l'U,s and me) tlaunel.AI..O,One piece lH-t M lilte tine dome. tie flannel, a srrtdesiiable arltele, ssorlliv the attention i Housekeepers, for sal,- cheap at the Colllvl M le,L1.M l"SXoseiuber IU, I"! il.lwtfI7111RSII I, i:IOXS AXU EXQLISII l'l II HA MS1 reeelsedbr Express, In less than three weeksfrom llo.lou i'ursalehjr A ! HI'AVI.V1111. .1. 11. .m k, nispsCELEBRATED CATltOLICONa, n.h-i d fur1 in: 11 1 Mi n: i i, i-.SiI ' ' pre.e,,,iVH .VWWMyfi' A " "iciiiiorits,uYf.NW'VT . I'V power.ntil.- ill Mllrltti'li it i if iin t ii -J f tl, ti urf 1 lyVilli 1i nt A I I I itUPHIv iff llir-T nic I'l.-htrn I tiTl.or I'nllii 'of tlio oiiihj riimrAll.ii-, ..r White- ,(a'ir'fit f tifliimiiiiiti'tu v n1 i li-ciittiMtioT tlic W miiIj ; lii(..tlcntiil l(t.fiinrriiitg',fir H'-fxling I'ninfnl. Siij'prr-Mft amiInt-x"iar .Mcn-tni-niton. , wit), nil th ir iivijuipnuviinf ttIN, (''Uf r iMri il,) dm inntUi lijw 'citr .r ol how l uft in-liiu'liu' 'ltlnli' -in fur ?iirnH-c nthrr rfrnfllr". inlitinit incr' i pi tu in, h i i'xiiLii,ie, nicl Uaviny tl -jyptun in nbttU r e.r.'litt-.n. It all lntcreftui miliiti'l (ll .liu ii p.ini.hl( t (fn-p) containing ntnj'l .t'mf,fiom tin.1 in"'t icpc-'tMiil! fnurri'i", tif t h uent fictnlr -nil" it ll" hp ( trig thrwilh lcttrf frmn liighli .p( riftii'f l I li if inn, who hnv nffl It In tit - rpratll,',) tui'l fpfiik frt'iu tlitir nnn til-t-Tt tli..V It. PriKiiM4.M. IK, rtka,K. V.Ii. h. ri,nitu, M. li,,t'iimiiitliilgi.H,X. VM. II. Mll.i s M. IM Itl.fMrr, X. Y.It. . l oon-, M. H.( SrniiM-, N. V.1'iot. In tn.Mt, M. t. iliiltiiDurt-t .Mil..1. HtlUU K, M. I', n.tlllin.'tf, -M'l.W. W, nntt .M. New ntk City.W. 1'iif -foiT, .M. I'., I', N. II..i. i'. ni wmmn m. rti.M, .ltct.f'.S. IIka ii it, tflui ii .opting 0.l'.nnplilit-i liifl gratia ot the vl"Tc uf Mr. 1UK-1-10K;.. I'lXK, ItruiH, wh'.Ici'.ilr and rrUilA'ciit, IlurlinKt-n.,M by SMXiS I'MIiCIItUi, .MJlt.-n.-ily inmt gT the h-a-Iln; Itruglts in tiie !tntp.whirr. .ri ti mrt uf Mr. Curtin Il'Hh.ttfrnf nt llnirnntt, Ohm,T't Or, M mi ii im: I hac Itf-cn tm i un tnmhli '1uith Ittniili' C'liinplaiiit-v prnhipii utrrl, hII tliflatteii'liiig .lilTiCullie ; t titm-n rrnJeriutf tny tiflinift inlsiTiiiJli'. 1 Hair hH'l ihe nttt hUjicffi) .ruiof tho host r-hvh'i in. with hut little u:lstnmt they emihl tlu wji? to ri.Hep u cure wa "lit iftl ..tH.. V..r fivn ..tls. 1tliu .iuelinii. IVr fuc iii"iitli lief'tie cr ir.meiicitt?with j"tir niCfl icl ne, I h.i-I ut bun able to performnny I iltur, eutil'l walk hut a ff w il p nt a time, hi iccart-ely wmt out of ih.or In "hdrt, 1 wn- c mplctelv pn-li!ii 'I, hnth In Ixxly itnl mint), nn-i vxpr.'tt.I tmlrn t'tlt then-t of tn il.iS ill eillTi'linff.imi Miiery. Ihit leading yrnr 'leiti'tnrnt, ihim iiilutTt to try j.'iir iiniilnahte iiurjiciiie talh-dL'lcriiiM Catliolii-Mii, a the l.i-t re-sftrt. I hurl notii-e-l it a week hi fuic I lelt like aiiotlH r woman.liy th.i u-c of three h-.ttle? I cnal'lil tn performall tho lh"r f'T lx in the family with ene, andcould walk anywhere in the neighborhood withoutinjury. Xntliin hut u ence ut mj duty tu ou andt'i the Hfiliitid, Ium liiiluetd mu to tate my eae tothe puldio. Ieancafely rcenmiiund the pripariitioutoall tho.e stilltriug like mytcif.(.-igned,) .Mrs. .iham A, ninoi.FiirrnoM, I'crtaye Co., Ohio, tuc J7, lh.iiHTM. II. MAIIC1III X COM Proprirton,Central Iepot, 301 UmadwHy, N. .Jan. 1, lfioi. h Mnturn ii as iinMovcn hip mi picTOR tn Xo. ii. Hunk Illnek. nne dr eat ofthe Vnrmrrv $ M'rhiti"-' Hunt, wheie he ha aeoiuplcte a'-sortnunt of?vic l .iniitcn ni.r,and all of..N i-ertainin? t-i hit l-ran;h of hnine-iA l ire a-orltmnt of PIANO lOliTIiP from theMniiutai.tori-"s ol('hichriin?, Voo(luarll lliou n, nnilliruu'it Allenwh Intrituiiit are ietl known to he suptri r toany otJieri manufactuied in till" country.SKRAIMMMIS ami Mi:i)lU:oNS,Manufaeturlhy Printr X Co, r.u(Tal",andCAPniniX, New York, of ail iie nnd atterni,an-l erery in'tiuuicnt irarmntfLSHEET MUSIC,More than Tm ThtHinn-I Piece now on hard, andall nev piece nf Mipic r-eoired a (ouii a puhlithrd. Ti ce I'oyks and Church iluic Jiooko ul eery.le.eriprh.n..Mit.,KI ."r nill -ell all article as 1 w thtc ofthe fame (pialtty can lie oht.nnrd in any city, and ilietint made to 'ir.ieher and thoe who buyt ell arain.(initeful for the liberal patronage he ha thui farreceived, he vnrr lin l 3rt to kec p n cumpletaiiortment ol all ni tielei uually kept in a Mu-ic.-t'o;e, mid by e"ntant p'-rmal attention to hit bu.iiiei, l.nii- ti pec iu llil Xew and Comuiodimm."Lore, tn. of h'n in.n, and many M.w cii"tomer.Uuiliiistcii, July 13, lhj.t. 3wtf" AroTiai-:cAKii:s 11GEORGE W. ALLEN.(Surmir P. SA MlUHX ( O )MAVIXiS L TIZL CO.M.M i:ri:i 111 .-INEP IXtills well knoun etablihment, I am now pre.pared tn oiler tho public a full uud complete a "sortinent of Irug, Me-licine;, Chemicals, Hye 5tulT,Hurgical Inxtrument, Mineral Teith, Iental Arti.eles. Mineral Waters, Hiu.hca, Cutub?, Soap, 1'ertume, Fancy rtieles, rrein and lomeftic figur ,Camphene and 1 hud, (Jta U are, Ac, Ac. In fine,eerj nlticlc count cted with the liu.-inesd.Alltiio popular l'atent MedMues of tho Jny atWholesale and Ket.iil, at proprietor's prices.Hav in- ensKed the tvn icip of Mr. W'm. Wilson,a thoroughly cilueated Chemist ami Aputhoctiry, whovat educated nnd rtceUed a diploma in (llasgow,."cotlund, nnd has since been for the last few monthswith .Mis-r, Win, Ionian A Co., ( Druggists), whi,aIo recommend him in the highestterms for his good character and thorough knowledge of the Hrugist business, Iu all its details.Mr. Wilson will give his personal attention to compounding Physicians Prescriptions, and the retailingut Mtdicim.Commencing under theso peculiarly faiorabli?ciicuinMniK'cs, rccuring as I hae, the a i stance ofa practical I-riiKgi't.. I feel confident in assuring thepublic tliat all Medicines compounded in this tore,will be done In tho iini-t scientific and a.ceptablouiamieri aud warrantril Ltnutne.OUOUfiE W. ALLEX.Hurlingtun March 23, dAwSOAP.100BOXES XO. 1 ".OAT.CO do Clieroieal do.50 do Toilet do.IIERIUCK A MILES.Not. !8. dAwtfPork, Fish, tVc.I (If! Bni'5' HIIAVV ME.S TORK ; !0 bbl.I Lard , 13 tubs ilo ; 100 n.tls. Code.h ,23 bbls. Jlaekerel Xo. land!; 100 bus. saltedHerring ; '.'3 Mtts do, for sale by1IEBIUCK A MILES.lIA.MIIMore 'riiinijs nt Dcwov's.nlCKOBY XI rs, CltAXlir.ltRIK.S cut.rants. Almonds, Itaisins, Ori'und Spices, Citron,( Civoa. Cho.olate. '. hells. Taoiuca. Jlaccaroni. Sico.i Farina, Hominy, Corn meal, Oat meal, Iiuck WheatJ flour. White and Yellow foap, Starth, Pperm amiI Tallow Caii'llen, lemons. Cider Vinegar, Picklei,I Pepper r-auee, Muttard, Matihes, Hlacking, ClothesI Uneit nnd Pin- . with a few things not in the bill ,all of which will be old as Ion as the interests ofnir creditor will allow A. K VKW KYNov. U5J. d.twtfAiku l-'ootU.r n have just nnTruvKD fhomT maiket with a choice stock of Groceries audPrnrUlons which we are prepared to tell for Cahat low ruler. We assure the trade ami dealersgenerally that we hate nme Oood lUrgaius to offerthem. Please call and examine our stock. TheCimi MMt'i, is thr system br which to get odTTunr. IIERKICK X MILESCorner King and Water Sts.Nov. 2. 1R5'.. dAwtfLTK, KTT NOT LKAN !I)KWEY II AS AT ,.&T hKCEIVED HISVhich fully rquaU,ind in some rrspeuts surpassesifppnrr anythinghe haieTer offend to a sulTciingcommunity .All those who are anilous (aud who 1 not 1) toconsolidate and cement the bond of the union, (ofsoul and IhhIv) are reuoted to call ; it is believedthat all iaitie. Hard shell and Soft shellsif theyonly ohcll out" Ebony and MU er grej proridedthey baie the slher, will here find means, wthtputitty constitutional U x the acvompliil'ment ol theirdesire.Paitlculais will bepiblihed before TbsnVf gi Irgwhen it will be sen that prorision ha bevn defor that ' pnod time ooiuinj;.Xov. :4th, lf-3. dAwtfKEV.SKVILLV .V. V.'IM1K Subscriber imite the attention of cultiTaI U-ratit the Olumplaiu Valley, to hi unrivalledcollection ofninr ntKK, Trees and Shrubs, Uoae, Dahlias,Phloxes, .le., for sate this iprhiK,The c'd'eetb-u comprNe. Iu addit-on to the ItadIng, stand wd orls, moie limit ' v lr' v ' n'It.. f hHit , and Ihrte h.r,l -u ' irrr , wliiebam ii' t to bi found at it v ' e-' b intut inthn Chrmiidiln allev, d ' T UlUmilterale at toe ImgeM etu'dU iiueura ttt e 'imtrv1 V Pn.' d latJl"Kue for is inrendv act will be forwurded gratb I" a I pot paidapplication, tnv losing one stump for prepaiuent ofthe postage J 11ATTKYFourth month, l"th, ISil d.tnlino,Ifan m&cWuncutiival ! :1801 : ;rr.rir.-y

Sentinel Hasp Hl Time Crackl


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