Actor Kabir Bedi, whose 1976 Italian TV series "Sandokan" will soon be launched in India with a Hindi dubbed version and an original English subtitled show, says he will forever be grateful to its director Sergio Sollima, who is no longer alive.
sandokan in hindi dubbed
He shot to fame after playing Asian prince Sandokan in a six-part Italian TV series. The 69-year-old actor talks to SANGEETA YADAV on the restored and dubbed Hindi version of the show available on DVDs and plans to air it on TV as well
BENGALURU: Kabir Bedi has launched the DVD of his 1976 Italian TV series Sandokan in India, dubbed in Hindi. It is the story of a fictional pirate, created by Emilio Salgari. City Express catches up with him on his DVD release and his upcoming films.
It's time to tell the story of Sandokan in India. This was the greatest TV series in Europe with an Indian actor, Kabir Bedi, as the lead that Indian audiences know little about. The original series has been re-mastered and dubbed into Hindi. 2ff7e9595c