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Rvds 4 1 Cracked Wheat: How to Make Your Own Bread Filler with Bulgur

Over 50 genes have been targeted for mutations using TALEN in plants, including Arabidopsis, Barley, Brachypodium, maize, tobacco, rice, soybean, tomato and wheat (Table 2). Many of these have been proof-of-concept studies. TALEN scaffolds were optimized for high activity in plants [43]. The optimized TALEN scaffold was then demonstrated by targeted mutagenesis in Arabidopsis [44], tomato [45], Brachypodium [46] and wheat [7]. More recently, TALEN was shown to induce a variety of heritable mutations in rice [47], demonstrating its usefulness in plant genome editing.

Rvds 4 1 Cracked Wheat

As an effective genome editing tool, TALEN has been applied to generate useful traits in crops. In an elegant study, TALEN was used to engineer disease resistance in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae by destroying the target sequence of TALE effectors in rice [48]. In soybean, the FAD2 gene was targeted for improved oil quality [49]. In wheat, three homologs of MLO were successfully targeted for simultaneous knockout, conferring heritable disease resistance to powdery mildew [7]. Improved rice seeds have been engineered with TALEN, creating traits such as fragrance [50] and storage tolerance [51]. Improved cold storage and processing traits have also been engineered in potato [52].

Due to ease of engineering, CRISPR-Cas9 has been widely adopted for genome editing in plants (Table 3). At the time of this review, CRISPR-Cas9 edited plants include Arabidopsis, barley, Brassica oleracea, cotton, dandelion, flax, lettuce, liverwort, corn, petunia, populus, rice, sorghum, soybean, sweet orange, tomato, wheat, and several tobacco varieties (Table 3). CRISPR-Cas9 quickly moved beyond proof-of-concept; promoting a reverse genetics revolution in plant research and creating many desirable traits in major crops. Using rice as an example, multiple yield-related genes have been targeted in rice [53]. CRISPR-Cas9 has been widely used for functional study on rice genes (Table 3). In addition, environment-induced male sterility has been engineered to facilitate hybrid-based breeding [54, 55]. Disease resistance traits have been developed by knocking out host genes in rice [56] and Arabidopsis [57].

CRISPR-Cas9 is a valuable reverse genetic tool in plant science research. Large chromosomal deletion in Arabidopsis was used to demonstrate redundant functionality of tandem arrayed CBF genes in cold acclimation [63] (Fig. 3d). CRISPR-Cas9 based reverse genetics was even made possible in poplar [64], a woody tree that has traditionally proven difficult for genetic manipulation. Despite challenges with editing polyploidy plants, both hexaploid bread wheat and tetraploid durum wheat were effectively edited by CRISPR-Cas9 [7, 65, 66]. Editing of the tetraploid cotton genome was also recently reported [67, 68]. Camelia sativa is a hexaploid relative to Arabidopsis and editing three copies of the FAD2 gene was demonstrated when screen was carried to T3 generation [69, 70]. Using CRISPR-Cas9, two recent studies disproved conclusions made by earlier work using traditional genetic techniques, further demonstrating that CRISPR-Cas9 is a great addition to existing genetic tools. In one study, knockout alleles of ABP1 were generated in Arabidopsis and it was discovered this gene is not required for auxin signaling or development as originally thought [71]. In another study [72], Rj4 was found to control nodulation specificity in soybean and the identity of this gene confirmed by CRISPR-Cas9 corrected earlier reports.

For all HDR applications, efficiency will need to be improved. Increasing the efficiency of SSN delivery will greatly help genome editing, including HDR applications. If a higher percentage of plants or plant cells can receive SSNs, then more of them will have the potential to undergo HDR without increasing sample size. Although easy to use, agrobacterium-mediated delivery is not as efficient as ballistic bombardment because the latter can introduce multiple copies of donor DNA [93, 98]. One of the potential methods that may solve issues with difficult delivery, as well donor copy number, is geminivirus delivery. In tomatoes, geminiviruses replicons were found to create mutations at a 10-fold higher frequency when compared to agrobacterium mediated transfer [94]. Recently, geminivirus systems were successfully used for CRISPR-Cas9 mediated HDR in rice [99] and wheat [100]. Alternatively, donor DNA may be liberated from integrated chromosome regions with an in-planta gene targeting strategy [86, 101]. The second issue to address is low occurrence of HDR in cells, especially in non-dividing cells. If all cells in culture or in planta were synchronized, then SSN and donor DNA could be introduced during replication which will boost HDR events. Cas9 nickases, with their ability to create single stand breaks (SSBs), have been utilized for HDR in Arabidopsis at high efficiencies and the authors have speculated the mechanism of HDR initiated by SSBs could be different from that of DSBs [85]. The mechanism of SSB based HDR, if discovered, should be useful for enhancing HDR. There are many exciting possibilities for HDR based genome editing, and innovative ideas will continue to further this area.

DNA independent delivery of SSNs for plant genome editing is another trend. Development of such methods are likely motivated for use in crop improvement in regards to regulation [2]. Nucleic-acid free delivery of TALEN has been successfully accomplished [122]. This study demonstrated that delivery of pure nuclease protein into protoplasts was possible albeit at a low frequency [122]. DNA-free delivery of Cas9 was accomplished by incubating Arabidopsis, rice, tobacco, and lettuce protoplasts with Cas9/gRNA ribonucleoprotein complexes [123]. Bread wheat was shown to be amenable to genome editing based on mRNA or ribonucleoprotein delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 [66, 124]. More recently, ribonucleoprotein delivery of CRISPR-Cpf1 was also demonstrated in soybean and wild tobacco protoplasts [120].

In monocots, wheat dwarf virus (WDV) was first engineered for CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing and gene targeting in wheat (Gil-Humanes et al. 2017). More importantly, this work showed the feasibility of multiplexed gene targeting of multiple homeoalleles of the wheat genome at a 1% frequency. A similar approach using WDV was also applied in rice for targeted insertion of GFP-2A-NPTII to the C terminals of ACT1 and GST genes in a Cas9-overexpressing WT background. The WDV replicon-based tools showed significantly higher targeted knock-in efficiencies than conventional T-DNA tools (Wang et al. 2017).

ffoJnmbtaWtmojcratt; II.' ' -" IAIjIM B.; V ATE; ''DCAt' """OB,Bloomsburg, November 14rl857Divind services will bo hold, in Bloomiiturgr to-morrow, (Sunday, Nov. ,ICtb,) atI ho loiiowing uimrciica :LuthcrmChurch Kcv.E.A.8llA..rti!TTS,Servioo at Oi o'clock, V- .M;.Presbyterian Church. Ur.v. D. J. Wawler, Scrvioo at 10 o'clock, A. M.ff"Tho Frco Schools of this pl&ea"opened doors" on Tuesday morning lost.e- If you wish to know who sells thoLett goods si 'tho lowest prices, read thoadvertisements in the Democrat.J56S" Mr. James- Hand, an old citizenor'Oolumbin county, wo aro sorry to loarn,met with a serious accident oa list Tuesday, afternoon. It appears, that Mr. II.,was hewing some timber, with a kand-aro,when tbo axo glanced culUng bis leg rcrysovcrcly.jgy Wood piles ara very numerous ontho streets. Evidently our citizens bo prepared fr a tng a&ddreary reign of tho Winter' King, who'will soom set himself upon his ioy thronoand deal out cold weather ''freely andwithout price.''frji Tbo weather Ha pa,ct woek wnsrnther(!peasani. Perhaps we aro goinghavo.'indian Summer now. Tlio eveningsaro" quito-cool, and standing nrou'ud thestrcat corners after bight has ceased lo beindulged in to any great est irt. It gnushard too for a fellow to keep in doors intho evenings, but it must bo done or freeze.SsSf Wo should bo pleased to have ourcitizons cominucicato any tiwal news thaimay occur under their observation, orsmyother source, if well authenticated. Aswc nro.confiued to tho office on account ofbusiness, :iny local matters (hat is ot importance, will bo gratefully' roooivod by us.tS3 As there arc Indico-tions of a riso intho prico of coal, it would bo woll furtho.suof our patrons who have not. done so, toprocure, their winter's supply immediately.Wu believo prices, at present aro as low asthey have,becu this season, and they willcertainly rango no lower, as wo otacrvo thotrado is becoming moro brisk.823" reterilny, tJio ealtlo tH:irkct inI'hilmlclphia foil ono tlcll.rou tlio liuodredtjriglil below the price of l;ist week. 'J'liomarket is vory UulJ, ad tlie sujiply largClyexceeding llie ilctuu.uil. 'I'hcro i.s a nros-pect, befoic Ihc winter U over, i f beof be-1nig ilnun to a fair au'iage prjuo. It has Iteen up for tho few 30 is tu mi jjiordinate ,figuro, out not proportionately grtnter ttauevcry'otbor kind of f md.CST Wo had come Io tlio conclusion last 1week, of noticing do farther, tho paragraphs, from tho llcjmblicaibut knowing 1)19 Dor rqr to bo n,c ambitious'man, and one ihatiikesit'i have hii writingliolhed, wo nilliJiero'bro givo him tho ben-,efit of another article,, hoping, however, ho 'may survive the xereek of time and thocrush of blasted hope. lre may perhaps,in tho bourn of his deepest adversity, iindconsolation in the efftisicns of sno timilarlylituated, when hesanj hid own fate:4 'I feci like one who treads aloneBorne banquet hill deserted.Whose tights aiedled. whose garland dradAnd all but ma depa lied."ESTLosc wbo .have small mechanicaliob3 to bo pepforuvod, that ihey mean tohave done, and that they can afford to doat any time, would render the best possible 1. .. , . , l, . Iw . .j uuWiua u, ui"sthem done now, rthon work is slack audwinter .coming .on. Families that havoclothing to mako .up ihis .winter could relievo many seamstresses wailing in .wautfur employment by .putting tho jobs immediately into tbeir'bands. Thcro is scarcely ja family in tho -city but lias gome job orother of work -to -do, which would not in- j.. , , , , . ...convenience them tho least -to havo it dononow.' Itls not r'rquired that ponplo shall i- . . , ..... .. ..incur useless anu law cspendituro to keepvmcio uujptpveu, uor necessary, moordinary wsnts of tho setson, if now requi-rod to be supplied, would go far to reliovolabor, andreatoro a bettor condition ofthings.vex A ru.v .t.:i jAw i wwuhjuo abut WU11U VVilU,niug our ry througb-ODO of .the principal jthoroughfares of tbis place, our ears were 'mluted with curacsdeep and loud, emaoa-t Dg from a hoy abput 10 years of age, Ia iooicea around tn uro thn rilo',vrath, when wq beheld a little girl, his eist. it, trying to perauado her brother to " goI ino. as it rwas getting late1 and was:tfrid to go alone. 8hojIcnd in words of Iiimdness.butit WHS ill vain, for his nn ', wer was thwo of curses. Is it not do-jC rttoie, tnnt.iuo jouiii ot opr jtowji weu .i bettor trained by their parents 1 On ,intra rests tha responsibility of want ofri..rpcct for ngp and morality bytheir child.rtn- " irain up a .child in tho way :!io.j , t ..... ...juiu to, anu Wlion 110 13 Oltt HO Will not. . .. . I'pan irojn it " is a maxim but Ii.tloiiotdud by parents nowadays, Iho results of, j ;i 1t - , " . . , . I" .-, -ctsuessand depr,vlty of tho youth ofmutu. tvyit(ier ru we tending, andtrill step forth to arrest this ontfetu of vico nnd immorality I 'eST Thoro Is no department of a coun Itry nawipapor which ia more Important orshould rcccivo moro attention than tboLocal. Tkd circulation, of such papersbeing almost exclusively confined to theimmedlato toctions in which thoy aro published, of courso It is but right that tbopatrons should expect to seo chronicled withparticular caro all matters of interestoccuring iu their pirtioular localities. Nop'Apor oan bo supported which uogleoU orpays but slight attention to this Departmenl,! and it Is equally truo that one, whichtreats tbis matter in its proper light cannot xaii, ot a i,i,oer,3i catronago. it is ourdesire, as it shall bo our aim, to mako tboLocal Department of tho Democrat a com'plcto index (as far as possible) of thesolooal items whioh aro porused first of nlllna county paper. And to, do this wo wouldask tho aid ot all our friends through Uiqcounty. If, whon anything of Interestoccurs, thoy would let us know of it, theywould confer a favor not only upon us,but upon all tho roadcrs of our paper.Thcro aro occurrences Imppeniog overyday which would bo of interest, but whicharo not published simply becauso theynover como to our knowledge. Will ourfriends throughout tbo county assist us inthi3 matter I.. As far as our town itself is concerned;wo hope to get along moro easily. Still,if any of our merchants or manufacturescontcmplato getting on ti '-bust," or anyof our eititons generally meet with brokenheads, nrras or legs, such information shallrcocivo duo publicity on coming to ourcars. Our motto is" "Progress" wo go. infor pensioning printers and preachors, andJamming ljvfyprs.and loafers. With sucha coinuiondablc principle of action, who'llobstruct our march, or doubt of our ultimate suoccss IIioyTunos nro gettinn; monstrous Lardjmt'now.- As rtn evidence of ihis, wd noticelli-it a dnrkcy who foltows the lawful occupation of cuttiug wood, and doing othermiscellaneous jobs nbouUown. has, withina few ihiyA prist, pistcd on tho crown of- . , . j , 1 1111a uaxf it ytoco OI-pipWTnn XUQ WOrtU 1Term, O.tsh" very ptainlvwritten 'thereon. Wo ltopo lie may liavo n liappytime getting his "casb." Wo 't now thatwo liavo u; Imppy timo yottillg' some ofours.-Tho l'oBtmaster G fcncral lias recentlyilecidcil tthnt if I'ostinastcr3 do not givopublishers of newspapers notico when theirpapeiB remain in tte Post Offi as Withoutbcin taken out by tho subscriber, withinJivciici.s, thoy aro-liablo for tho pay.UiiwvjlSu TJio post affico in 'Berwickh s beeii rcajised iCrom Messrs. Mclleuryit Owen's Store into the Oflieo of tho"ficrwlck. Gazette," and Lcyi F. Irwinuppoiutcil Postmoster, vice JoLn J. Mo-lleliry, resigaed.tiir Wo that tlio Furnaooand iron oru land of Samuel If. Woods, ate Hank, Point townsLip, haye been bold"y that gettlemari for SSOO.OOO......Oi'l'ho Postmaster general has ordereda contract with Col. John Cummiugs, ofSelinsgrove, for conveying tho maih dailyf,oul Banbury to Williamsport by railway.US?" If you havo a sore or painful disease, go and get a botiJe of Du ValCsGalvanic Oil, and you will not ruo it no Iyou will purchase- more ; tliia has been thecase, and mil be so iu timo tu come.Sold by Q. M. Hagenbueli, J. R Moyeraod li. I'. Lutz, BloBrcsburg, and CountryMercian's, generally.MAS JxIAO'KS'.0n tll(J autn of October, by Rev. Jno.'.V Da, Wf- ;Vie0i",?)w" to M.is3llannalullcss, both of Mifflin township.ijoiumtiia county.On tho Oth of Novtrnbcr, by the same.Air. Adam Marks, to Miss Margaret JKostenbader, both of Locust township,IB E & W SC SmIn Akron, Fulton County, Indiana, oaWednesday, Octobor 21st, 1857, Lov.isf''W,r'tM ?f m &,Mastellcr, formerly tit Ulooiusburg, aodono ycar; J bl, . , , ,,, ,, , ," VIU'iiliVIU. Ull uaiurUHV IrlHt, II1U I til0f Jfrjvcmbor, 1857, Mrs. iJvniA Evanb,who HI llenrv JiJvans. antt dauohtcr niSamuel Tate, nged 29 years.0,JiBSBlXIEBQ SSAIlillSISirClORUEOfED W'EKKLY AT IIAII'I'MAN'SSTOIIEWheat....SI 25ButterEggsTallowLard ....... ' 00Oats IJ5Buckwheat 50Wiiito Bcang., .1 7,5l'otiitocs..I fried Apples.a OpCOLUMBIA DEMOCRAT.Tho following aro tbo receipts to tho ofiioeof tho Columbia Uemociut, during;tbo month ot-Uctobcr, 1 0075 004 Ot)47 00Cll.. U. Monro, 40 94, Howell UvansJ?"' 0!.WJ'!.'. Snyder.sw John punivirl.J.Ult tlol.C. V. JicksoiiI Hev. 1). 8. Tobias,I Lhai DicUris'k.3 OU; Franklin llnusu,"30 Mayberry Snyiler.'J75 11 A. Hrliwf iienliner,1 SU. 11. II .ll.irli.ia.i,uon I'rof. Anilerson,1 mi Trustees Uul. Acail'y,a on II, II. Wusner,330 Jicoli H..tvani,G 6fi, Attain llarlon, ,1 UD T.J.Jorilrrslico,3 lill U. u. Ailams,2 60, ltev. 11. 'Xullldee,'JiQII V.I. Wlnleraleaii,3 00' (;eorge.W. Wagu.r,j0uhTuitt,iU.JRjhi.r,ncip,d' 'A"er",iAmuth NvWp.'Rnorgo W.'Bllllir.r,I1 UO2 00:i vo3 AO5 00-3 501 501 -00uincnui-'r Jtuu.,llicliaril .MaiiP-n.1 75Wm. Young, m.d.3 00Our -customers, lercabouta. will ploaso. , , ,w w . x i '-' i.w hms huv iru. tvuni-iwo can net all kinds of tiroduco. Hoof.n.s. n..-i.i... n:j- ai '"i ..uiiintiiuov, uiuit, iiujucq, uuuall tlio ncce39nes of life included. Now,, , . ,. .friends, joll up tlio articlcr.Special Notice.IIEI.MllOt.lV8 COMrOUNUi I'LUIU EXTRACTn remedy for Disease., nfllm Bladderi Kidneys, Cra.el,Dropsy, Woaknrsses, fcc, bit no cinat. Head the advertisement In another column lioadid " ttelmbold'(lenmne reparation "80 The Five Per Cent. Savins FundofiliO National aarcty Gommny, rivus. street, south.wrtltprnrr of 71lrii street rhlladvlptila, now Ima nearly0i Miujoh inn a of Dollar all In Rot. Err atk,Mopithii", Orooiid riMTK, and ulhtr flrilclaii sccurlIlea, to the benefit to depositors.,O-TI10MAS VV. MATT80N, Received thn rriMMedal at tha WnrM'i fair In londjn. 183t. forTRUNKS.OARrET DAGS, llnols..slioes and, Iliim,,Crrat inducement arc now offered in purchaser, of thoabove articles. Thlsl, much trie lartest ttoekortrunktCarpel Bags, Vallees.ace.. In riilladelplila very cheaporcaib. Mamtraeiorieat 130 Market Blreot, B. W,rorner.ond 183 Market street. S. tl. rornerof Fourth.DTHURlIiY'H BAIUSAI'ARII.LA. ror ill rilnunieaof Hie (jtond, nothing hat yet bfen round to fcomparowith it. Utteanai tba lyctem of nil Inipurltiea, actagently and efficiently 011 (be liver and kldneM itrengthena tho digestion, glvea Una to Hie stomach, makes(he akLrv elear and healthy, and restores the coustttu-lion, enfeebled by disease, or broken down by therxcennefl of youth, tuffs prlstiae vigor and strengthHrery ptuddnt person should 'Use a (fw bottle, parttcu.lar,ly eVirlng the spnrg and summer months.ItVmtngten Star.CJ- A COOL RCFI.GOT10N. "For every m lie thatwe leave the surface of our earth, the temperature fallsAve degrees. At forty five miles dlitanco from theglobe wejpt be yonI tlieatmofplicrejnnd enter strictlyspcaklnff.into the regions of spue, wbose temperaturets S23 jlfgrrcs below zeio, aod hcrocoIJ relgna In altparts. The ntlcman who went "beyond the atmosphere,' andlicldthe thermometer In tho "regionsof space' has,ince his return declared that tho nextcoolrit thins; Is, a milt of tliosollgfit.rlecantand grnceul summer cloilic. which have rendered the fashionnbloj Emporium of Ur.iuvllle Flukes No. C(l7, la' 0 SODChestnut Ptrret, famous on thi tmltnri il orb.trwnrrc ykktii, rciu'u:MUD nncATii andIlIiAUTIPUL COMl'I.KXION-cnn be acquired byusing the "Balm'tf a Thousand Flowtri." What ladyor gentleman. would remain under the curse of n dieagreeable breath, when by uing the "Halm orTuociUND rumens' as a dentrldce, w, uld not onlyremit-r it sweet, -but leave the tniji jhltc as 6U11 tcrt Many pcrmns do not know lhlr breath Is bad,1 nnd IliC Miljeet U ao(IcGrate tliat their ttlem's mil1 iievpr mention ll, Ik-ware of counterfeits. lie sureI each bottle i Big ned1 FCTRtnnn & co.. v v.XHSr lj this MuniiiioiU-worsfrlpplDg apr, t ja jrjre tofind a man rHacQiilsuselu1n(ssn ihu publjc before hiiinterest. During a Into. visit to the City' f f Spindlca,wo were presented by a prnfcAslnml friend, to thecelebrated chemist. Dr. J.C. ATan,wtioe name ft nowperhaps more familiar than any other, &( tho beilvldcof ricknebs ,m thU country. Kiu wing the iii!preccdented popularity of hie medicines nnd the immciisosate of them, we liad expected to find him n millionaire and rot ling In wealth. iliK ht we oued him Uihis laboralory, busy with h in t.Atatnn, among the ruclliles, nlcmliHn nnd retott giving hii bet perwMiali c iu ma (.riMjMMiitua, tin iuu villus!' Ol IIICH 111 Oilsands hang for hi-altli. Wo learned, that nolwillisiand.'"s ""l,""il,c" nn(1 It I'roiupl reliirns In caili,in- imrnr is noi ncn 'i nil rcaton narigned u tlintHie inntcrlnl Is coilly, nnd ho perilut In niiklnc hipreparation, so cxtciiKlvcly, that llie nclt profit ;asmall. .merlra t'armtr. rhtla.Wll.t CllltllllY AT TIID SOUTH .Oir oysnt at .Mhttr, Gcorp-in, renclr vs thi ftllotcin srUtttr. tcilA f errnl.ilSH to juMiha;Atiiess, Augmt 51.Dear Sir: Hiving Jieen afntcted for more than leu""ro-Hcliiflantniatlenortho LnSs, a.limes very severely, and having ndoplcd many mcill.clncs wiLliuut ojiy Jjirt ttlnpordry relief, 1 purchasedaliout tlirce liottlcs uf tVutar't Bait am rf mid Cherrynow Uio sCt'CtR of which 1 bblalnpf) morn rclirfil.aufrom nil the mciticlnci liiave ever taken Tor liinUpm.iix uiontir. I have, by the rrcat;() um ofthnvaluable Ili.(inii), Uen more frie from preKsur ferhrrnth an J oppreion on the Lung! than J had nnUclpaipd, and niili'iit ronreie thia 1 will occured liycntitinulnp hi uc of lliiiiuoat tli.linrteiilng mataly.I do moM chtrrf.illy temlcr ou this ocknoulcdjnjpnt,which )ou will ue ui jour Jutlrucnt d'Halei.ItUDNKY nURKC.Wjiynittoroiifb, Uurke Co , Georgia.Beth W. fowLK ic Co ( 133 H'mliinglm gtreef, Voston, Prop rietoM. fold ly thoir agcnti nvcrv wlicrnTTNIFORMITY OP PUtOKSl A Niw Feitus itlUtry oho Ats ovn alltaeuJOND.-I & r:o.,Of the l-'rcsccnt One rrloo Clnlhln; Store. o. S!00.Maiael street, above Priih, riiilndelphl.i.In addition to liavliiff ltto!ar3esl, miPt varied ai.dlslvlonahlettick nf Clothing in riiiludelplna, msder-spressly .for-rotal sales, h.-rve ronrtilnled every onehlsowa, hy liaving marked in figures, oneachartitle the vqry Inwest pa,cet can be sold forthey rannol possibly vary all must buy nlikThe ficodsnrc well sponged andprcpared,niidgrcntreins' taken with the inakinr; so .Hal all can buywillihe full aauraure ofnettlng a good article at llie verylowest price. aun,a i.irse siock ot piece rniins on. . . . . . . ...anu.o tue i.te a yie n.,1. nest nnamie.. wnic , ,,,.htt madn tn nrr inf. In ihn mntl fusKlmmMn nml f..tsi... . ...... .v. -vo.manner, 25 per cent, bfdow crt-dft priceKr nember the Creiccnl, In Market, Above SixtliSueet, No U00.JOVF.H ft CO.IE? $1,000 nCWAlllTtt'lLti DE VAin FOR AXYMedicine will excel Pit ATT fc BUTCHER'S MAGIC OIL for the fnl towjn; dinaates: Rlienniatisin,Veuralffl a. Spinal AiTectiour, Contracted Joints, Chutici'alna.PoIni in the Side or Hack, Headache, Tooth ache.Sprains Soro Throat, CutB, Uruucs, Burns, ami alldiiea of )hi Sliin, Muticlcf and the Glands, onegeauine without the signaltiro of "Prail ti Dntrlirr"attached to each label. Principal office, '-0J Washington alreet, Brooklyn, New York, Sold by O. M. II A -GCN1UJCII,Pruggiat, Gloointburc.0"TJ)H is tocfNTlirythat J have made-hut ono application orthe Magic Oil on my Angers which have beendrawn from contraction of ihe cords, brought on byrheutsatlsm. It wan of seventeen loontlis standing,and I am now Entirely cured, I cheerfully rtcommrndit to all Ull air J likcvviEO.J. M. FINBROOK,7i Locust street, llarriiliir?.An;iift 1. iKS7TO- A OA HD TtTlWuTTMiCS. Da. Dyro'cco'JCouEtj I-'itB.vcii Pills are infalUhl$ tn remootM stopp g tsvrtrresvUritiet oftlkt men set.These Fills nro nothing new, but havo been uM bythe Doctor for many years, both in Franro and Americ,,iwl,h ""p.iraiiei.,in.rcc..ineveryrnscjnnd i, i,i u'bcu y many .nousmiu i.uues woo nave nson memto mako Uio fills iiulilii.. I'.ir iliuallrvlallou nr tlmrcsufliiriiii; from any iiri'sularitii. wli.Vevcr, as wellas aprcvemivu In llini wlusu licalili will notlierinitaiiiiicrenbt! uTfmnily.rrcgiiaiit Icinalcs, or tliose suiiosuia tkenisetvcs soari cniitioneil Against usinr; these rills, as thn liruiirirlor nskinncs nn rrsr.niiiliiliiy allrr tho .iImivo nilni'T-nilioii, although their inililues. wuuhl prevent nnv injury to lieaitii i otherwise, xlicso Till, oro rerouiiiicniletl.Ilircclions arconininy carh liox. I'rife $1. Eohlwholesalo nnd retail, hy(il'.OKIii: M. IIAUCNBUL'lt,(Icne'ral lUuomsburg, T'a.II o will supply tho Irnile nl tint proprietor', prices,,anil send the Tills to larfia (confidcKlialty) by mail onrecjjdejjntjiliohtho Ithinuiibiirg l'iinOHieg .OxK PIltCK ONLY IMPWNCOTT &. IIUNIXU'H Clolliing Vnrrhoue,jFnuiliWeit cornet nf Fourth miJ Markul strict, 1'hiladeIUia. 'l'ooty Out VrltvfJcthing Store in Americaoash purqlusers ol Men's or bus Ctothmt!, .at.wholesale and telail,ca" hero, mako their vHertioufrom nn inline iie faihion.ihly cut and welliiiatlflclothing, 30tMj with ii view in gid illifaetlou'tn all ,iin1 at tdo very loweit piinililo iclting pricomnrKen. n piam njurca un every cnrnieni, ail buy atthe Rjinepricviaod whether ihey are juJjev of gotHlior not, they raunqthe dtcieve!. One uniform lowprice to ak and take, suitseverjbody, wile Ihe usual'mo-le ofaskmg two nncw. and takins alt that can hQ- - - - - -a man aika$l5uracoat,aiidn(erwardsa3rees totake$10, and H is equally rr.nain , tliat he would have takeni ,Vin, co,,,d La"rrt and lllu "i"y chlie purcnasw om oi nvo uoiurs. up remeuy mis evilIIU lUVlIlll .CUIIUUVIirC I II HID ri'UQ i ull IJ)UU1tlitniil,l.lI,i'INCOT Ite. on all their goods, (very) " wm-.varYo;... co-11 uiformb.iw pneI much b low the usual ratescent linger any clrrunistanwsi a-vfith and pi-ruAt llieBomli Win co'ae ol rvmih :.M(rkri soeeljniiieipiii.iPJIOOLAMATION.YTrtinRnABt thf lion, JiWmiifrAitPirrMlW riant rr Ilia I Iran ft nfntnf lild T t ni Inf. t nnil fl.rterai Jail IcMvcr Court of Uuurter Britons of Dieesce sna coun ot, ;ommon neaiaim urpnan's i;ourt,n trinTwrnly-aiJlh Ju'lclM tllstrlrt. eonposcd nfth:oii ntlftm of Colombia. Bull! van nnJ Wroii.ins. nndthelinn Jsona Evivsaft-1 1'rTtR Ktt-vc, Associate Judgesti Columola county, have isnued their precept, hearingi ins ii in uajr m ne pieniD'r, in mavpar 01 our iojulhAiian1 lehi Inindrcil fin. Aftr rlt.na4tn tn dlrrcteti Tnr holdfnf n Crurt of Oyir mid Terminer nndnenrraUsil Delivery. (lennraiaunrter 8ealnnii ohliPeace, Common flenaand Ornnii'f Uoiirl, InRloomi.ditry. In lh4 county orooluuihtn on the flrtt Mondar,(bclnf th7ili day) of Dccmtot nrxl and lo coiitinuoonp wek.Nohm ji bercfw Biven. to thn Cornnff. Uio JuitireaoTtlie I'ftaoo nnd Conitnblea of th tald fOiinty of Columbia, that they da i hon nnd (here in their properrf-riontat 10 O'clock lnlhe rnrcnnnn of talri ilny, Withlilr rreoriti.lnoiiUlltnninnd oihr fetuembra nteu Indu thou liitnin which to Ihrlr of Hera oppfrlaln to innone, tnn inoae mat are noun a 17 reccgniinnre, 10f roaeriild ajrafnai the pri'oucri that arr or may bo Inlie Jail of said entint.v orColumbin.ln bftlhen andthernin pna?ruin iiifm ai r-nnu nejuii jutvjm aro rrquraicd to be bunctnnl in th (r attendance, airecnhlv toineir nouces. nat'd at (iloomsburg, tne umn daorOctober, in the year of our Lord one thousand eft hihundred and Itriy'Aeven, nnd IntheM.t yearor the Inaepenaenre orthe united ptatea or America.(Uou eavo tlio Uommonwcnltli.)BTr-rilENIl.MlLJ.i:R,Mir(J-.Oct .11, 1R37List of Causes for Trial Dec'r Term.1 William Knont m Ceorge h Kline et at,2 William Konns rs Ocnrce L- Kline.3 Joseph Btackhoase es nilliort Knwlor.4 Thorn is Parker rs John II. Parker5 Isaac Brown vt Untie ft J, Stjon,0 Jacob Schuyler vi Wilson per.7 Fletcher n. Pod twin et at esWilllnin Long.8 UhrUlian llelsivi Han let tiller.V Martin Mnwrv es Tliomnn t inrkhmiso.10 (lilbert Fooler vt Ullbert H Fowler et nl,ii iviiunra vxsamuci r neauiey.13 Pavid llitrfebrant es Benjamin Fox.13 la?ld VVInterMtfen el nl v$ Chris. Bltumnn.14 William Uonwdw Daniel flmilh.15 James Rlttenhonse et nl r Uarny tlole.Id Jneob Warner riStatn Mutual Fire Insurance Co.17 John fln viler r Levi U. v. v. iinier lortne use or wm, itociiifon vt rrcucrick RnbbID Henry Fiork rt Nlclyic HJlenanVi Adam Ptronn rt ntv h.B.ltunert el ill.21 Cornelius McKxren it Ueory f Vsple.Traverso JurorsDecoin'r TermItlnotn Sninuel flliafltr, Jnniea I,, llarklcy. JohnWIilleniKhl, Jrhn K. Crols. Zebu Ion GroM.Uenlon Ilnulien Davie, et., J'citr Caie. iolin Mciienrv, nr,llr'ar Creek Pnmiiel Ketcluier-,CemreJjevl Alkinftn. titenlicn Million.Cntlnwlami Sainiie) Knitcnljdrr,AIalthiae ilartma-n.1'lFlill'K Creek JeUn tiers, i;jard Unanprt, Danieliii-iiiy nrrr.flreenwood John Monre.Ilrmloek J a men r.mmlll, John nruher, Jcjffl Olil,John II Tuuet.I.OCIHI l:ila llrlnli, Teter K. Ilorbcln, Pamuelueiilltnlil, Ipaac lUlonth.Alilllin Jo'phO. VVIntnrrteen. Leonard Klikcndull.niiun-Knniuei ri-nr, icninli Hhittnan.tiratige jnnn Aciienh.nrk.rian lliinjiinln Wlntervleen,Hnnrmir Creek Adnin (!vbleKuMrloal Alinnvl.'ole.Brnii Daniel Whiimlrej Jacob Keller.Oct SI, 1857Grand Jurors for December Terra.r.tnrm t.ewlt II M-ius, Itarnard llupcttIteavcr John J. Urelrlmcli.Itnnr i,r''ek Stephen Aetienbach.Centre tllnhlon lljrks.X'nUiwi si Uetijniiitn Zcrr, Jobn dcoic1'ra.n.Mln Joejvh ICJtlnr.l-'ishlpg Creek JVillinni Uuckalew.(Jrf'CDviiod Joseph K''ller, Jncksnn Kobh'uifl.l.itrnst Wlllltilii llenrh. Menrs.Midison I.pwIs Schuyler, Nelson KitchenMonlo'ir Art. llus.Mifflin It...r Snyder.Main' Hainan John.Mount Pleasant Daniel Mnrdtn.(Irange It. Kline, Benjamin Wcrlniau.riiiu Wllllnni Caslinrrlluuriii! (Iretk John Whltncr.Bcnll ttli OLvehng.Octal. ibj7r-A PHYSICIAN'S LEGACYTOYOUNO MEN.'The clnry of n younmanr ,Jt.,iav JJ'S W.. 2i. ,637 )I Our renders are nwiiro that we seldom: ir ever. n'.commend nnv medical publicni ion, ifnot endoised byllie vi' ry liighni nutliori y. At such nn ii.Ftanr woiiiayjiipnliou Dr. CuvtRUFLt.'ti niv pv Lit cotton on Ner(wu DebtUty and other tceafmeatet, the rcmill oC earlyinttiffrreiiixi. It in a imnll but valuable iiamphlet.Hh nrruar.-ilioiin the " Ittoennnoa" nn N.xvtiit"nre now corn IdtvM the wnv and only cllcclual remediesextant f-r ihf rmnplnint n lrtrtii to.JR CL-I.VIHWCM.S HlMINll. ItFOfMCRkTOR AND RoTlt.Neiivins. the BOverriptitrpnitH! lor Hcmlnnl IVrnkncus,,b'txi'ol Ufhilitv, linpol'iity nvohintarj UniuPinim,I'lley, &c.,(ire for f-nlebv most cf ihelfadiTif Urutglsiiin the r.mmtr.Dr. C 'r rAMi'iirRT.aa rtmve, roniaininc full ndvJccBfni thr riiro nl ptjrnmtorijtca. A.C., ran he had in asecure envelope, hy ?.ndnitsn Flmip toOr. CIIAUUIH J. C. KLtVi;1M Avpii'Ip, corner 19Hi titrett, New York, Pout noxNo. 45811. June I 5, IM7.S'yt .l . 18S7LIBT OP l.P.'PTCriS remalnii g III the Post Offlre r.tllloomshurg, l'a., Quarter ending Bentcinber 30tb.Uarr.n. WilliamiltMuati Harry 1!Downing AeoreJ. vans L'stlinrtvnAvails Jesepli II Mllrnns llllirkI.nmin JamesMoyer JotTfroonNowey It. mcNorton John AOil JrneSharp RichardSnyder JnrolitichriiiT J XVStory James JHlUiinim MiHt.H'1 ItamiiiTinii Juini tWooll Thomat JIVillinan I.ewU JWhite (.YorKc DDavid Jones jJanifi rimn jKobe it McDonald jGrillith Davnl IIUiillcglry Patrick;arvev J tinIlcUtfr InsppJiMitrl PulnrkH;hf .DavidHam .Peter HIl.iuwr AidpuliawHill faimttlKencngcr J OKoichum IV IffKolchum l'uter James rimn fflnpi 'Kirk AlarvKnorr Thoinai, ,,;, m fal tbo , ,, , , ,,i .t" i 1, 't- UV UUTUI IIBVU ,riUUV UNAKC8T; P. M.Oct 3, 1M7RliO O 1HSRTJjR,CABINET WAKHROOMS.rpm: uiidcrtigntd respectfully invitee the attentionX orthe Tulilic to his extennlve nsgortmeniof CaliiimtFnrnituri'.aiid ChnirH which he will warrant to be madeof fcooi m ncrt-ilfi and In n worhinanlifco juanner. Atlit l-.&intliihii.cnt,canalwa)i be fouud agatjaiisarttnentufFASHIONABLE FUENTTUIIB,vvnirii -m eviai l etyiennii uniuii to iital or rtn Iadclphiaor New York ciiic9,audatQ low pncei,lie hasSOFAS,of different tyle nnd prices, fromto flit). Divani. Louncfs : Wal-1nut nnd Malmcony, Tarlor chaire, Rocking nnd eaaciairitti'iana mooIf, and a variety of npholrtrrd workwith Dressing nixl pnrlor bureaus, acta, card centre nndplcrlnh. s.ilftnthiij, cheircniera whatnots nnd como ndriM.and all kinds of fahiouiljle work. Ills vtork orboruaus, uncIOFed nnd common wash ittatif.s, tlrpsft,tables, corner cnpboardc. break fin t lablci, 1ertptraiti. rnne watand commoti chair, is the lar etrt inthis section of Hip country. He tvjll also keep a goodassortment of looking ehisea with fincy rlltnnd common frflinej' He will nlvo lurnifli spring nmrfi'Mfitted to any sineof bcadftuud, which nre superior fordurability audcomiforito any bed In tne.simon c, smvi:.m 11 loopiihurg April Pih. 1R54NOTJUKNOTICi: is Iicrrby alven tint an apphcithn will homade at tlio next npn.on of tlm l.eglsktiure ofIViinsyJ vatiin. lor the incorporation or a Hank, -withtho tiHital priilCRu-t, to bq called The llloointbiirtTHank," with n capitnl or lQ b-Midrcd thousand dotlrs, nnd lo be locnled jo Uie 4owu ol Llaajibtiurg,Columbia coJiniy i' BNVDUR,W. IJ. HlllVli,miRAIM 1'. I.LTK,A. U. IMRMJII.JAPOI1 UVlllt.I'llTlllt IIII.I.MUVCR,i:i.iah i)ir.ii:i:n:K,IlLO OMSDURO, June S7. 1n, Mnviir.viiAi.1,.A. J. i:MNS,l.W I1ARTMAN.J. RAMSI1V,A, 1, rJUMN.It. II, AltTlllIR.WM. ISOU1SON,EAGLE 1'OUNDltY, BL00MS13U11G.Stoves auit Tiuwarcrpllli eutBcrjber hiving cr'-rted n lnrjo new 4rickJ Foundry and Muchino Shop, in placo of the oldline, is prepared to maka all kinds of casting ot 1'lows constantly on hand. Th. suitscrlher tins also removed Inn Tin Shop from Alaiu sti tlio foundry lot, wliero he hus vrerted a bulldiuiIlo getlier (orStove. and Tlliwaro.a Tho L'ooklneBloves consist of the WM.I'DNNJtacOOK. ItAUU t.'OOK, VANLIUK UOOlC.andSl'ARI.OR STIIVI-.S nl all kinds, the W.J vISHlLINllHR BTOVU.ic, All kind, of Bpoutiil.ui-iile io order.Josnni siiARrLuas.niooinsliur;, Apill II. 18i7.NOTICE TO 3IEKCHANTS.fUKKSf HAKES 1 1 IMAT.&IIlTUn urdcrsipnod take pleasure in annnunri,i- toMerchants that they are maimlntlurinita suneiiorrtlclo Of II A K K H nl ihiir Kt-w l'jrir.rv nn 1,.h.,,I Creek, nbnve Oranccille, Columbia county, Mert chants wihinff to purchase gooil Uakes can Jiave Ihcm"'miJi'jrc, in B.O Pltivo, where ihey can gel-them,w.. f.'1" .l"l?or'1 ,h"m 10 Uio.eiore. thai are nit.... u.,i j, ur ii miiroq nrcap luraru mem iohuihi ".ii uj our way.All onlers slionlil bo ailjressnil lo Samuel aiilve,rcalru i'.o Uolumbia couniy.l'a.. euiiti sc ill. Jx..April 15, IM7-JMSIIAltP NOTICE.a 11, persniis knowing tilI unsrtlleil Liuie arrou?;nnf.lS.r"ote0;LT persons knowing themselves indebted orh.iwjrvrrem, ni vnj ine ruoscritier njeUpon iotomt ,ivkrd.E$ir . whoIfice everv K.-ilurd.lvalleriiuijn.niKliill' Iho 1,111)! hp for" thn hri nf Januavv nt vn.HlKr whifh time all un'ollerled arouuls will be plserdin hands of offirerr fur roltrrtlrn0 ,3. IS MCIHBD TORB4-Spring and SummerGOODS.THE undersigned regpcolfully Informllieircuftlomfrinnd tlio pnbliRfrenerMlljr. tliat ttieylinvejii't received altlirlr newllrlck Htorp llmKa.lnLljlilBtr'tl. a Itlttl OKoitineiit ol laihlonableSprinif Hid Summor Goods.dlrrcl from 111 tSnnlern tlllea, emprir:n, -it! Iljcwflrloue eelerttonr-to found In Cnitntry Hiorea,Ountlflmg ot Cloth. Caarlnif rra. lrlalnp, llraaen,Ralleoea.xc TnjMlior wltiiail kind! of llreat foilrorlbaladlrf.l.!o.-oEfTl..MNf wrjAB, op almostVI'.IIV fl OUT AND HTYT.l!.l,Anli:STAI,MAHIIIt()!MMa,IIAV!.fl tit.aroeerlei. Mnlic, Bnjnrr, Ta. t.'nirre, Pplrn,and in tiorl,eirer;lliln!lntliirnjr or Merchandize,lir.ADY MAUliULOTIIINn. ol every deierlptlonCJ- trod, steel, Nai1i,8ulkyPriai&iKl-Tli'JnkWr ror .nt patronaee, itwlllbl nelrtiiiiloui aim to plaaie Iheli cuttomera and If clvoeeneral aatlafaeiion.Uehl Bireel, -plll 11, li-ST 'Farmers' Depot and Plaster Mills.AT Tiltf JUNCTION OPrerlt Jten0, Crtwn aiti CalUrkitt Utttlt,PHILADELPHIATTTB niTer n taree stock of Chemical Manures andWi t rent liters oi ww nnces. and vtenumet amotif which will bofouM1000 tona No. I (lorrrnmeut Peruvian flnann.JdOOtnns JleDure'a No. 1 tiiiperplinsplistn ol Lime.The nhitc atalii.M nrlirles am. earh or their kind.till best III llie world 1 Our Land Plamei .man iifiietiiredfrom selected stone, Is enlebratcd throviluullliu Unionlor.u. purny aim sirrnRin.wu inviru unucna ronf)o lliirs's No. 1 Hnperphosphate or l.lmeno. i i.nvernnieni reruvian i.uano.French's Improved Uuperpho.phata of Lime,French's I'lltlndetphln I'nildrcllr:.No. I Pho.phate Guano, Thllad'a Cd 4)Meriean Uuano. A)Ultra l.a' sater. Ordinary Land rtalcnclr'heinlcal Done, I'ure Uone Dust,Tlsh (luano. flrouud CJiarconl.10 oio barrels I and " L'n.llnj Plaster.10.0H0 " llydjaulle Cement,SXAiO True Roman Cement,1,000 " Tortlaud (Cnlih)CLincnt.ALSODcnlitl'f l'blrr, Powdered Anllincltc Cual tn IbUBtrrrolVu I'lanfr, rowdf-rpn Biutmiimuf Goal 'tilats MaKPr on cirounn nrown etono '(1oi.tu potpHimio, White ?.inddo. While Mnrhlut (1 round Urickn fnr Illnu AlarMPf. Chnnicnl Hon HurtPUUNCII, RIUIIARDB & CO ,S'ram Mill" nnd Fnrinrr Pepol,Jit junction of York Jtetnve, Crown end Cullovktll NtI'UlbAUHU'lUABrpt jSt tW7 gmCHEAP STORE.SPRING AND SUMMEIlQQ()D3.IUK und'irsieticrl take pleasure iu anJL noiinclii? lo tticircuplomer and llie nuliUr poncrnnv.uiniincvnavp ing l, ino iiiiiff. Sprioc and Summer Goods.Comprising -every article usually kept inuonniry Mori, w jiicn nave ncrn rricctpn wnn catc,and wm oo mm at very low ior rendy pay.DRV GOODS.consisting of a larc,. nrleiy ul ulotB, CassimciVetaines, Urazcs.Cnli oee, bett? Country (trodnco taken in exfhnnf'efnr poods.Give us a cull. Nunc need go away dissatirled.o, & a. low.I.imo Itiilse.lvlarch S9, 1B57.NEW GOODS.SPRING AND SUMMER OF 1857.fMio uinlpruigDeil, grateful ,far forroer1 liberal pttrnnage, respr-ctfu I ly iafcruis hisIricnns nnd cu"loniers la itcneral, that Im has1 coin!inciicuil huslnessin his fpacious New 8ioru Housenmtdoor to Iseiah Shunian's liotcl. where lie hasjust reccived,nfull8t!prynfSPUING AND SUMMER GOODS,comprising ivery variety of fashion, quality nnd stylousually kept iu tin: best stores. tlrn'crii's.UulncewareII.. ..I.un I.W.. ll. I.....I. wl ....IHnuiv,(I, n, . v UJ,-, i.umn, C(Ut:S,C.,which will be sold on acenninionsarng Terms.X3" Grain andp-uducc of nil kindw nted.A & 8. ANDKEWS.Ilanvllle. March W, lf,s;,y.iHOVER'S LIQUID IIAIU DYE.spina HAIR DY 13 neeil. only a trial to aliry all ofX its pir lection as a Dye, and Hi" following test!i.oni ii irom ina.1 eiutncnl AnaJyilcU'nrmlst.J'roliistorUoolli.olllio U. S. Minl,Kilioillyrliflrm what thouaxuJs liaro previously bnrnc tejlnnnny io."Laboratory Jor Practical ChemtMrv. tSt. BipplKii'a Place, Miliaria, jIVJog well nrt'la in tell ivilhllic substanrcs rnmnosliW Hover'. I.i'piiil Hair Dyoilam salisflnl lhat bylo'ii nvlng thn simple .iirections givm lor 11 use, itwill tint injure tho Hair orSkm.bul svill give a namral anil durable color to tile liuir.jamcs o. nooTii.Aug Kl, IS57 .Ualftle Chemist.HOVEU-S wluTINa INKS,INCLUDING HOVER'S n.UJII onil MOVCIl'S llft Iit:i.IIII,c iNKel.nri-toowelllcnownanilintroduceiltn requlru any additional testimony of Ihoir clia racier.Th'i Kilos havp hern Increasing since their first inlroOiicttnn, giviiis evidence that the trticles truly po-sesslhat iiilrinsic merit claimed a, first (or them hy llieuianufaclurer.Orders addressed tftthft ManuTact i,No.4ia Rarestreet, alinvo Koiirth,(ol,l No. HI,) riita.lelnhia, willre to prompt ultelitio n,joscru n. hover,Aug g), 18i7-ly .lj.satlrer.NEW DllUG STOEE;EXCIIAKGE IH.OCK. MAJtl JSTBEETDtOOIBSbUrC.npllEunder.isneu would respectfully informhls friendX and tliepulilie. ftenerslly. that he lias purchased DrTcgsvl's Uniftand Chemical Btoro, and Just returnediroui tnccity with alarseauu.elect stock, consisting olFresh and Pare JJrugs, round. ind wlioleiiole.. Paints.Oils, Varnishes. IJj e lull's. Window Cltssof all size..ingi-iuerwnn a complete assortment oi raiut, loot h andouaving urusjiea, t oDaccO)riesars,i-oncyBoaps,Hiiav.log Cream.Pure Wines and Brandies,For Medicinal use, English, Frenchand American Par1r" My'"' sll0"'cve-'ar"clek,1U,l,'I'"1 W''t" Bcn(!irj-PrescrlptionscarefulMcoiu non mled.N. It TheDsiTAL raorrssioi, will he cpntinucd as..".I in uiuuuisuurg anu i.tcut Direct.Also,.i full assortment of llie latest style Tcclli.for sale by 'OF.O. Jl.HACnN-BDCII.Dolmsburg, Pehniary 1, 1857Corner ot Silt & Arcli Street,Phi I a delp hi a.Henderson & Co.,BOOKSRLLrMS rfjvb VUBUSIIEHS,INVITK tho attention of all Persons Wiring I'lnUdtlfhia, whether nn Hiiemetis or pleanuroto their Cztraordiii.iry Collection of Cooks upon all vah,Jerii,Hook sc Hern, Country Dc:ilfr, Trnchm, FuLlicjini! Ijibrarlej, supplied wKh Do&lu & Biatwnary allowest atca.C.G HDXnEKSON t CO.,.M.irch 7, 1357 Cml.espytow-N TEy stoke.TUP. undersigned', Jtnvin,? afnciatcd tcgctlitr in tMt rcaimle ilusniCFs, take vlftfu Inn their triends nod thr public in gpneral, that thnew Htoru llouap, locnUd on Main 'street, central-Lffiytown, Ooluniliia county, has just been ricewatuNew Spring Goods,Conpriinjt an extensive assortment of Cloihs.Cas!nturcst Veslinjjt Miislins, Ijines. and every othr or'tide In the weirii.jj tine, including ilurdivaro, China,fiarlhti and Hollow wares, (Jroceries, Sugars. 'IV is,Collst), Ltlco, Molasses, etc., etc., with all othur articles of coiumerco adapted to rountry stores,ALSO-HEAD Y MA DE CLOTIUNCrtZf-Uraiit, I. limber, -Provitiona, Produce, A.c, of allkinds, ukou-lu excluugo for tu err ha n dim.11. V, EmCMAnil,11 U. CUCVKLINO.Iiipytown, April 4, ld57,K. . X)ltVIG,JUaMfa-trer and IVhohtalt Dealer inCliDAtl, WOOD AM) H'lLLOW WAUE,CI.OCKd. I.OOKINO ai.ASSIlrl, l.'OKUAGC, OILUI.OIIIS, r.itusiits, WIXDOtV SIIADKS, tc.No. 2U5 North TIIUID Street,Owl door below (If Cify llottlAngW, IWT PUll.AUtitpiIIA,R t B ROB ST, II. B. CL4RCBROBST-& CLAUK,DKALCIIS IN.JirORTCD AND P0.MC3TI0NO, I'M NORTH TIlIRU'blREC.r,rAlMi. Race.PHILADELPHIA.OrtSl, I'MA GltT WITH JiViSllY 1300KWorth Doin 3d emu to 100 dollars,Mt Mtigee's Gift Hook StoreXII 33 CHE.MT STIIUKTf d door llow r ourth jOn-. JSj7 rtltl'DtUHitSWAN & CO.S LOITEIWCS.XWAttD BMU.UHT SCtir.JUF..Caplul rrlzc $00,000.i.Thelolhwln. Schemn will b drawn h. M. i, I, Co., Manntera or the Tort flalnea' Aeademy l.oli.rr, Iin rarn ni ineir ijaurrie lor noieniDer, irtiT, fit - - . -.Vf? rriipi'umee.1 whl',, ef'' wooo.l Department lias just, rpecived, dcpalelicjTo,drawnln..,.cl5n?tt l" '",C rCP0fl3 lhatoii8atordar.Nnreriiber7tii, IM7 , llie Mormon.? arp bent on resistanco to thqCLASS 09, 'ToUdrawnlntheeliyor Aoirtiia.oeorih.iiipublic.Unltcil States tfooni. The appointmentscm Balurilay, Niremober I4th, ie47, , , , 'i , clahss 03. of the army and tho general preparationsTobdrainlnthetltrnr Aiuniia.Ororsh.ln puldie, , , r . .on Bamrday, Noemhersist,ii57. aro such that no fears are entertained asCLASS Gl, I. .i i.To be drawn in Uie city or Auiusta. ( public, , to t lie result.on etalnrday, Novemlwr Sth, IB57. . in i . . i . .on Tiir: plan or eUNCM! NUMiiEitA. i he Administration u.tli received noNearly ono l'rize to every Nino Tickets, pnrticularlj -Important dutches relatir.oIU BK rain.BACHI rrt1q T y 11 D A Yi NovnMBrn!S of 4 twoI'J.onnnog10 000 37.060 3 "5,0011 III3.500 50 "' lilSI 10(1 iiAPpnoiciSiA'i friN Vmpa710(loo4004 rrlits.tlnOApprox'lJie tatfln.oinrrlraiari 8jnno4 t 300 1 " 1 Ifi.COJ jsoo42W1lp.ooo8004444131loo75.Vtso tiroMil5.001)3 SOUiy;oo5H0400loojjoii50011I'lO amountlnir to 130.000WIIOL.H T1CKU1S $10; HALVES ti; sjvt.Flan of the Lottery,Tli eN'utn hers from 1 to 0,000. eorresnnndlne withllioso Numbets on tho Tickets printer! nn separatealips nl fiapcr.nre encircled with amuii tin tube. andplcea in ono nurci.The flirt 40?. Pri7ee, slimhrty printed t rid cnclr.f lil. nrr tiHrpd In mini her wheel.inn wueeis life iiien revoivm, nnn n nunmerisdrawn from the ulieel orNumbers nnd tit the sametime a Prize Is i!inn from the olhcr wheel TheNumber and Vt Ire drawn out are opened nnd exhibitnl in thn nuillcncp. and reeistered bv the Cnmmiasinners iltn 1'riee licleir nlaced acalnst the Nuuilietdrnwn, lilts operation Is rcpcalcu until oil nre Brawn oni..tfrareznialtoi. 1'riie. The two titcccdins and thetwo suece.dlna- those drawinr the firsti rtaeg win no cntitien in inf io .pprosiinawun1' Fur example! If Ticket Nn. ll'Uodraws theC0.000 rrize.tho.e Tiektts numbered ll.'ile". II Sl'.l,ll,!li 11.152, will ench beentltled to SlllO. II TicketNo,.iOdraw. the 811.000 piixe, thore Tickets num.hired H4H.S49.S1II. 002, will each beentilled to S'JUO,and snnn n. rnrAinn In Ihf nbnve tiUUU 1 rif,'s or tiU win no lieierinint'n nv in'JInst fleurpfif IhfV.ittilM'r llintdraws I lie StiO.COO Prize.For example, ir llie Nunrlier .lruvlnir the gnooobPrize ends uilh N'n. 1. then all Hie Tirkrts. wherothe Number ends. In 1. will beentilled to '.M, irihirNuiutierends with No 2 then nil the Tickets wherethe Nninber ends Irt S will be ontitled to U),ai)dsoUll II V.Certiflcntrn of P,iri,'nes wfl ho sold at the followIne rates, whiclr Is the risk tCertilicatoor IMcklige or 10 Whole Tickets,do do lOllair do 40do do lOdtinrtrr ilo Sfldo do 10 Cishth do 10IN OIIDCRINO TICKET8 Oil CXM IFIOATrH,Unelnse the uimievto our address far the ticketsordered, on receipt or which they wil' be forwardedby first mail. Fiirehasersean have tickets ending inany flu site they may designate.The I.lst nf Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be senttopurrliasers immediately after tun drawing-.runrehnsfifs will olesie write t hel r ti matures rlaln.amUive their Tost Oilier. County and Stale.Rcmemticr tnat every rnze isurawn una pa)Uieinfull without deduction.All Prizes orsiOul) and under, pild immediately afterthe drawing-other Tribes at the usual tlrac of thirtydajs,Alt rommnnicMloes strieilyconfidfnllai,Address orders for Tickets or Certificate toS. SWAM & CO .WuffKitn, (7.Tcrsons residing near Muntitomery. Alt, or Atlanta,Ca.,ian Ivave their orders titled, and save time, byaddrfmlnc H. Swan tCo.. al either of those cities.Kj A llstol tho Jiiiitt!u iliat aro tirawn from thenneci, wnn i ii amount oi ttie fitzc tnai earn ono is.. . tit l,A ..i.kll.lio.1 nr.....i.lllilrnaL. I ..tlic followini nant-rs :-AVw OrlMvt JWa Mitt It tglttrr. Cfinrtaton Standard, MukttlU Gaulle, Atlantajwietitztnctr, jtw writ tteentg uat hook, fiicannaiJlhrmng J'twt. Itlchmond nityatth, Xeia York Uhpatckand panldiag IMss ) Clarion,Oct 31. ltJ57NEW CAUU1AGE ESTABLISHMENTJiV tbo JsTow brick thrco Story CarriagoFactory, on Main below Market.TUB subscriber would respectfully announceto rhepublic, ih.i' ie has commenced theCARRIAGE &WAGON MAKINjQ BU-Plit nil lis braiifJie. Il is priipariidloeceeiiie all ordersand has on hand at resent nn assortment of finished workwinch pu rchaaers wu inndit to their advantage to examine.RCPAiniNC,Will begone Ju the most orman-t asiA carp fit i mannerand upon terms which cannot tail lo aive sat is fnr lion.Itloomsburg, April lit. 185.1.J) HOOKER & MARSH,Auctioneers & Commission Wcrchauls,SOI NOKTII Tllll'.n PTKCCT,Otic door below Vine.JPLBOiiAlDStilPDJDA.,Bales offsets and SAoet, Dry Ooodt, Gunt,Iftrdware,Si'atehtt, Fancy Goods, ,EVKUV CVKNINtt.t3-Counlrv Storekeepers and ntlirrn wilt nlwnys findAt our Cvenlng Sites a larjn and desirabto assortmentof Ihe above Goods, to be sold in lots to suit buyersGoodspackc4 on the premises for Country Trade.Sept ail, 1757 3mHorses For Sale.THfi underiisned offers in sell,c" -AJuLTTNi CiTo, wUl J ul1at private sa.te. ai a low ngure,beautiful three year old Lion hentiorse. wiinoui ipui ur uicmiwell broke and verv docile.AlsoA.valuab'e span of Iron flray Mares wII matcJiedperfectly sous d and centle in every respect; a verydvsirablespan nf cirri. ire (family) Horrcs.13" inquire at this office.LEVI L. TATEDloonmlmre. Auzusl 1, lf.VT.NEW COOPER SHOP.rilllH subscriber anndnnrea Hiat4io will rnrry on theX COOmilXG irusiNtSSal Ills llrcntryiu Hobkinsvllle, wliero Jic will makeBarrels. Tubs, Kegs,And everything In llial line oriinslness. lie will alsorepair work olall kinds, and ullblo Ii skiirullyand ulfair prices.CIIAHI,ns XV. 1IAS3ERT. 4liioonisnnr;, June ia, 17.GREAT ATTRACTION.JOHN pOMi, No M4 North Bcrond street aboveArrtt, Phi mklpWa,Importer of Toys and Fancy Goods,lias the larjen asirtmetitt of (Juriositief in the cityToys of nil kinds, Pancy niskfis.tjmnkepirtes.TobarioHovei, Viotitifc and firings. Harmonicas, AfcnnteJnn,and a luge, arlety of other arllclcs too numerous tomention..Storekeeper and rthers will please call before purclnsirg eMcwheru.Auj 0, lfc-7 amIIENItY ZUITINttlCR,Clock and Watchmaker.South Side of Main Street above the RailJloait.DirriClIl.TrepauriiiEin uatrliesandJew.clrv illarses for liuntinir uutrli.. s.iiJsirctacles, 4c.r uiootiisruirri Auc, no, iFoO,A LADYWHO ha. Iievn cured of great NGUVO'18 DKRll ITV, niter many year.orml.ery, ileslros l.iiin i,known to all fellow surTircrs tliesuronieins of relieAddress, cnclo.lnrr stainii to nay return nosta:a. MiAl AH V n. IIEWrnllo'sloi.,'Ma.s.,aiidtloi.rtVcrition will be sent Ireo. by next postAmust 8. 1M7-3UI '. It. BIKKtl, w.'t. OSTCallo vs.BARNES & OSTEItHOUT,lasidctursrs and Jt'liatcialc Dialer, inIlatSs Caps, Straw (iooils ami Furs,NO. i03 .V AKKUT STREP.T. up slairs.Jaovg rtnit smssT.Auj 2J, 18J7 PrilLJMKl.rHM.POWDER! I'OWDBIU.ITIIL undersigned having nisociated together, underIho Ilrm and styltt ofJ'arsd Jactby,U'JII font! into the BriarcreaU rowdor Ilu-iiness in Allis deparimcnts.K. D ruiisu,,Aug 10. 1837SHAKP XOTIOK.hU persom tiidebte.l to thi firm ol Hartman feIlowiif, are Jivrehy not lied to rail and selllc ie' HARTMAN U UOlVEtt,Als), thre I'ldrMed to ttie ruSicib-sr, tt likevmreiufcsM to cm l and sMt'cT T HARTMANLjpUun June Mi 'roPOSTSCRIPT." v-m,vvu "WAslIINn'M'. Vnr 1 1 This Warto tue ovents in Ucntrjl America and t inCosta Hiean inovemDiits. No inaltor whatotlitjr OovornijicnU may do with regard totlieso nffdiri, ours will pursuo an independout Amoiican ppliqy, without anyentang.line allUncea,ALLEN & NEEDLES!svr F.nrnospitjiTr. of t.iMr..CIAUTION. Uo particular to observe.J that ptrry barrel nf our article has shf mm mAlast if rstii A'trii branded on the head. This CaailmIs rindcred necessary, r.s there ate so manynrticlrs ofiiiMiii.Kif nn:r inn name oi tsvper.rittipnatrUmB, as to mislead tliase who am unacquainted withor.NuiNr. AuTicr.n,Price g5 rcr 2OH0 His. (ii cents nrr ll. A lil,r:,rdeructlun mailo to dealers, Ordrr. fnr Ihis valuableyerttltttr attended id nronintlv Pamnhlet., and the mp'e of npplvtK,caa be had gratuitouslyat our stores, or by mall when drslred.itias no superior a. n aunure rorwnr.AT. rtvii. cni'.N. nTnnd all other crops reiiiling n vierirmifl rtndnnniinil 1 t.K 1 1 l.lKIl,prn.ln ting not only n heavier yield n!,t!rat than rent,vinn Gil inn, littt slijlstnf rAe flrato to tvpporl (is head.GR Arel rUCI) rorelf sls la lake Iveli where oufrhorphate is applied to vAesc land.PACIKIC OCEAN GUANO-tt'e luvoa small ouantlty still in it-re.1' 1 1 1 1 MANUlin A supply of this valuable articlefltrsale. I'rlre $m per eoo In. (I rents pr lb.)KO. 1 GOVCaNMENT l" UVIA UUANO for saletat the iawelt sates.U7"lrie leadlitf AffrJeulluraJ Jnurnata.aibl Tlewspapers are regurarly filed ot our cflice for tilt use ol Far'luers.Goods ran be loaded at either Iron! nl our Warohoues Tarmcrs are rceornmended tu drive to Waterstreet and avoid the crowded Wharr. Ample rnelilti"are afliit.lcd in leading wagons and attending lo Lht,horsca. ' ' ', ALI.HV i HCCULRSsNo. S3 Foutli H'lnrvM, Biiulli Water st ,l'Jt ritif. .bo. CliSf. llut Bl., rhilo. 'Auclist !,"l-:i,iiIMPORTANT TO KVEUYnODY.10 It the last, three years. I liare been engaged in ftt business known only to tutself, and. comparatively, lew others, wlnm I havo instructed (or tnpnm ofZ'im eicl), whlrl has ave roped meat the rate off-SKM)83dti) per nanum; ami havJnir made arranvementao go lo Uuropc in the Spring of 115y to qnjage in thet-anifj l.tttincs, I am willms-to'irive mil Instructions'in in o an to anv person in the United States. 0 Caii?dus, who will remit mo the sum of 31. ! hm fnditeett,Jroin iho surcs I have been favored Willi, and t(mmany thankful acknowledgments r have tecclvedfromthose whom I live instructed, and who arc makinplfrom 4' to QI2 per day at it, to give any person anopportunity to engafR inlhis business, whifh is Misy'.nleannt.nndverv p'olitablp lit asmall cosl. TherfIs jwsitlicaty No Hombco Id the mazier. ReK-rrnces oftlieJifrt flSH can bn elvpn nl rtmrta lla rhimriispand I can rpler in v"rsom u horn I bjiye instructed.who will leiifyiiiatihpynM making from $1 lo 15per nny a mo satj!,e, ii isa which eitherladies or gentlemen can engage and with perlcct eaiemake n very Jjamlnoine income. Several iadtet In various parts in New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland,whom I have iutirii-f t-il, rire now mukln? from S3 to.Si per dnyntit. It is n Ciktcll I.csinfm, nnd but atew shil.'ings is rciuired to stari iU Upoo receipt of91,1 will iiiimediaicly send to the opplictinl a printedcircular contaivhiJnH instructions io jhe an whichi n i e peric-cuy i iiiiersioou at ltJl c" ,au uc nunresseu P""'"1 . , '"a . 1,,. ' Broadway, .New ork.Pept r. l"7-3m"costaivs" noACii,KXTEUMINATOHVQSS. mmPut up in 20ft 35e .Cic.. and $1 boxes."COSTAlfB" BCD OVa EXTEIIM1NATOH.l'nt up in 2ic. 50s .?5e anJ SI bottles."W3T'S" nLKCTiuu rowDta Fon a:;ts,1NSGCT3 hePul up In U!ic. and-'Oe boxis.rtinclojl Ilppot, No. 31 Broadway, New Vorit, andsold by Druggists and Dealer, everywhere in the Uni-ti-dStutes, t.inaitas, West Indies and Soulti America.Auf 2i. 1837 ImGreenwood Seminary.iliillvillo, Columbia Co., Pa.AHYrfTCMATio course of insiruelicu is civeir innil the English branches usually taiuhii TnoPrincipal wilt be ns9lite,d itung the present mar byT. M. POTTS, nn experienced teacner, recently fromthf muiuy Xormal SchoolA vacation of even eeks will rommenco July'lst,TiERMS. .Tuition, for nay pupiia. $3,20 to $1.10 per quarterHoarding, Tuition, Washing liyhts. lit , 530 prrqu.iiter o eleven weeks, one-half in advanreTor circular, catalogue, or other particulars, addressivm uuitacss.MilUille. April 1.1FU7. Principal,A KETIKED' PHYSICIAN!;t? YJIAR3 OK AGC, havlnt; lost bis failier tsvonieces, by that dreadful disease, Comckptii ft) r i ni with a Covgh hlntse.f, determinedI Kan 'nole' i.Ryi-iand Japan, where he dt prtren'ice and certain rare for Colds, CuiighiI VniHIIlMina rVd.UAlia llfthili rs si n.l u uniiufri. n.iusuit-r, son-in law, nepnews anilVOMCKrriOK,4Pd BUfi to visit thediscovered ai.llronehlli.CoaiutnMlo. Nervous DehilitVnnd Asilima Ilia enuirliwas cured immediately; ho returned, rured hit rrfaifcrt. who inherited the diseaQ. ait A in. conitectioiiwith hi son h ive employ jd it in their practice, curingthouiind of cares considered iiopeleta hyotbersl-rTor the purpose, of rernlnc a many of his sufferingfe1owbetnsis possible, huis sending the Uecipa tuall who wish U for ten centf ; 3 of it lo py the pesuage, and tJic balancopriiitlnirVAddrens nit HEATH,it) I Pprini St., opposite Ft Mrholn Hotel,J"ifif.t. M7. New Yoik.BJiOUJlSliUUW BOOK STOUtt.rinrt K llliilor.cionorl Titilvi thatshernnttiHiestlin Tttaomslurg Book Store andStationary hUtablisfiment, lauly ronuucled hyherdeceafedhnMiatKi. Mnjnr Clail. in all their various hramhc,'at ihe old mudiii (Im l,Ychatit! I uitdnifis, first doorl-.i;tof Hit Kxchai-tci Hold, n'nt tia ing replenishedher c3taMihment with n choice sirwjX of JWw Rookand Stationary, sin i prepared in .'iceomniodale allho may give her a call in Juvluie,AW).Th lleFtaiirajit Ualffi , i tl.ehatemcnl of the aboveei.tahlihiiieiit,wti;bi ro'iliuucd ns mual by the sutiscrihar, vlere th thlic-;ii nt all times he supplied.Wtflhtltn rhoieesl UiMftia a no Kt-rRR'UMutTs, surji,as Mineral. S.irsaparilla, ter, Ale. 6zc , Hard in en,liiredaud PifUIrd Ov ler, l'icKleiM71ain, el.C3The puhlie custom is respectfully eoilelifrf.caromm: ui. i:k.fvttejtot to Jate Q. Clark.lltoDnitl.iitg .May S, I W7UEV. C. S. BliHNETT, while.8. lab inns a Mhsiofliry in ouUicrn A-il.n, rtifroweri'd a Jrnple and certain cure for Contmptlon,Atthwa. Hrcnthitxs. Covsrkt. Coldt. AVrreitj. Dtbthtv. nrn nilinipuritien ol the Stood; also, uu easy and eiTVcloMnioue oi iiiiiain-s inu nemtay. Actuated uy a desire toheneht Ml tufletitijt follows he will cheerfully sendthi UfClre (irtie) to ug!i as desire il . with full andexplicit preparing and successiully usingthe Medicine. Address.i:-v r s urnxETT,Ml Uroaduay, N .City.Aiifusil lt?7- CmSI KYAXS, IO.000 I'llI.MK.'t, A15 LiirfiN per ilnur; H V11 ruMUukim riA M. .,.uliHH, S. .Trt Huranl I'.iib f H-.r,l.4 oa iM,M,us.ti..ri'ii.fMiif..Per. Library, FODUTII ST. bclmsrh-tniit1ALEX. G. CATTELL & CO.,fORII'.'RDlMl AJfl) CO.VMISSIO.Y .VERCIMA'iS,IOR tbo s'alo of t.rulu, Floor, Feed., Iron. I.umber. te., Nn. '.'li Norlli Water streat, I'lillaileljihi...KJ-Cood. forwirded with ea-rt, to all oltu. prrtlieNorlli Urancli, ScUuylkilt,' Union, tusiuebanna abvlJunlatta Canals, - TrJ'SjIl, riaitcr, C . for palom llie avstprices.Au- :v, if.'7 a. di c. ic. ro,lljjl'. K iitlM.b,KRAURCU'S ruKTAHLC CIDER MILLS,llie best l ii o.o ; IVtieter's IJorsa Towers an1'I'breshers I'nriisii.l ii. nfvnrtnu. lr..s. ll..n.rnv ur.d fattii.) ii rem, Crsin rnr. UnaCutlers, KKrinrrs' Killers. Hi,!. Ihl', Sub tf,.ll no. Ioinrr rip. ( ion ij. -liifs, Loili lis sets, ,'IJH,Alii.penc Cll rn Ae nti.l let-it),1 rAat'II.M,l)lU(;(a.t8 fa f(i,.Iniiilruienl and Heed 31 ore7i a anJMarun .tr.t, Pblladtlpliia.Octcisr IS.IS17iI1.0 3 MAt'I.E&..I. 'list rrteierJa'UA.1XMA.S eI!pi-i'Si,.11 2ff7e9595c

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