I understand, if you want I know sometimes I've had issues with other multimeters and a cheap and inexpensive way to troubleshoot is to replace the leads. It could be some bad leads that could be giving this problem.
micronta 22 203 multimeter manual.pdf | 13
DOWNLOAD: https://cinurl.com/2vF1LE
Now, I know I'm very late and I understand that mine was working on all other modes, but here - I was using my cheap Chinese multimeter to measure voltage on an AC circuit a year ago, I was testing the continuity too like I was alternating between the two tests, at one point I mistakenly/ accidently tried to check the voltage in the circuit on the continuity mode, and then the beeping won't stop, well I was almost headed to the store to get a new one but then the beeping stopped, I checked if the multimeter was working on other modes, it was, surprisingly it was also checking the continuity but it wouldn't stop beeping, so I just tried to fix it somehow by doing deliberately making the same accident happen again and this time, it used to continue beeping but the buzzer would shut off in 20 secs or so, I then opened it up, removed the battery and placed it back in, and it started working on every mode like nothing had ever happened to it !
I have a cheap Chinese multimeter UNI-T 132b and while I was unknowingly measuring currents way above 200 mA (the chosen scale) it just stopped measuring anything. The other functions worked like charm except DC small currents and diode/continuity. Similar to your situation, leads or not it kept on beeping while testing for continuity. Opened it up and found that the fuse for that circuit was gone. I temporarily 'replaced' it with some plain wire to test the multimeter for further damages. Beeping stopped and DC small currents measurement worked just fine. So that's like an error beep or something. Bought a new fuse for under a dollar and my multimeter is as good as new now. Hope you have the same luck!
I have an expensive Sumo DT-61 and it is having the same problem especially after i accidentally tested a charged 400 volts capacitor for dc voltage output of an electric mosquito bat/zapper which created a spark onto the lead probe but despite that all other tests are still working except for diode test, continuity test with never ending long beeping sound and ohm mode. My multimeter can accept up to 600 volts max for dc voltage test so I don't know why it is causing this issue. The fuses are also working and I had also changed the battery. I don't know if this is a chinese multimeter but I think that Sumo Industrial is either a british or scottish company based in Glasgow, UK and this multimeter is the most expensive one in the store since it is also an environmental multimeter that can measure noise, temperature, electromagnetic frequency and light. I think that I better RMA it.