The CTOA fracture criterion has now become one of the most promising fracture criteria used for characterizing stable tearing in thin metallic materials. Initially, fracture resistance to crack extension was given by Charpy energy, as in the Battelle two-curves method (BTCM) [13]. The Charpy test is related to crack initiation, bending of the specimen, and plastic deformation at the load points. It is necessary that tests performed to characterize the propagation resistance be able to isolate and quantify the propagation energy with respect to incremental crack advance. For this reason and due to the development of higher strength steels with increased toughness and lower transition temperatures by using controlled rolling techniques, Charpy energy was replaced by drop-weight tear test (DWTT) energy in the HLP two-curve method [14]. DWTT tests are also related to crack initiation, bending of the specimen, and plastic deformation. However, notched DWTT specimens are larger
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